(FOLLOW UP QUESTION): That device the aliens pack with them that enables them to get into a home: does this device enable them to raise their own vibrational rate so they can enter matter, or does it raise the vibration of the matter and allow them to enter, or just how does it work?
COSMIC AWARENESS: This Awareness indicates it creates a field around the entity which makes the matter lose its density. It is as though matter is created by atoms in molecular structure, held together by a spatial force. If you were to look at matter with a high enough microscope you would see there is more space than substance, yet there is a force surrounding these particles that tends to bind them together, holding them in place so that even though they are scattered apart with great space between them, this would be equivalent, for example, to a small ball on a football field, the substance of equating to the space, and the actual substance of the atom being the size of a football; that is the way atoms would appear if viewed with a powerful enough microscope, and the question may be: `How can these things be held together?’ It is that force that resides in the space and not the matter that holds things together, and the aliens’ pack is able to overcome that force, is able to defuse that force, so that the atoms of the body and the atoms of the wall actually pass through each other, just as if there were no force between the spaces. It is likened unto sand going through a screen. If the sand is small enough and the screen’s holes are large enough, the sand can pass through, but if that sand is made into a ball held together by blue, and it is placed on a screen, it can’t pass through, especially if the glue has been spread on the screen. The glue is the force that resides between the particles that make up the atom. This Awareness indicates the aliens have the technology to leave the particles intact, but to diminish the glue that holds the objects as solid, and this is done through the use of vibration, the raising of certain vibrations just high enough to overcome that frequency of the force, the glue force. THE TRILATERAL INSIGNIA: AN ALIEN FLAG QUESTION: A question by M.G. in New York: “The alien flag Trilateral insignia referred to by Cooper, is this the start of the Trilateral group of humans and aliens?
COSMIC AWARENESS: This Awareness indicates that the Trilateral humans took their name from the Trilateral Insignia of the aliens. The symbols are different.
QUESTION: There’s some questions that arise from a book called: ALIEN MAGIC, by William F. Hamilton III, and there’s a part of this book called: THE DULCE BASE, by Jason Bishop the third, and I’d like to read some of this, if it’s alright, and ask Awareness to confirm or deny this information, and when appropriate, to expand on it. * *ALIEN MAGIC, by William F. Hamilton III, published by UFORCES, 249 N. Brand Blvd., Suite 651, Glendale, Calif. 91203
COSMIC AWARENESS: This Awareness indicates this in the affirmative, that It may from time to time raise the hand of the Interpreter to signal a pause for comment.
QUESTIONER: (Begins reading): “The following material comes from people who know the underground base at Dulce, New Mexico, exists. They are people who worked in the labs, abductees taken to the base; people who assisted in the construction; Intelligence personnel (CIA, NSA, etc.) and UFO and Inner-Earth researchers. This information is meant for those who are seriously interested in the Dulce Base. For your own protection, be advised to `USE CAUTION’ while investigating this complex.”
COSMIC AWARENESS: This Awareness suggests not only that entities, particularly in your organization, use caution, but that they NOT investigate this complex; that it is too well guarded; that only those who have clearance will be allowed in, and for entities not to think that they can simply run down there and explore the area. This Awareness mentions this because there are all types of people in your membership and some tend to be quite naive, and often want to express an unusual sense of adventure based on that naivete. This Awareness indicates that entities so inclined might not return, and might end up being part of the experimentation conducted at the base.
READING CONTINUES: “This facility is a `GENETICS LAB’ and is connected to Los Alamos, via a Tube-Shuttle (underground). Part of their research is related to the Genetic Effects of Radiation (Mutations and Human Genetics). Research there also includes other `Intelligent Species’ (Alien biological Life Forms `Entities’). In the revised Sept. 1950 edition of THE EFFECTS OF ATOMIC WEAPONS, prepared for and in cooperation with the U.S. Dept. of Defense and the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, under the direction of the Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory, we read about how “complete underground placement of bases is desirable.” On page 381: “There are apparently no fundamental difficulties in construction and operating underground various types of important facilities. Such facilities must be placed in a suitable existing mine or a site may be excavated for the purpose.”
COSMIC AWARENESS: This Awareness indicates this as accurate; that this kind of underground networking has gone on, not only during this previous century from the time of World War II as mentioned, but that there are and have been other underground caverns created by the aliens many hundreds and thousands of years prior to this time, and these have been used along with the present excavations and mining activities of government and alien technologies. This Awareness reminds you of readings given some ten years ago regarding the subterranean caverns; that many of these were man-made caverns, and some were natural, but had been modified by machines of the more advanced technologies of the subterranean aliens.
Related:  2012: A Conversation with Jo Ann Richards Regarding Captain Mark Richards U.S

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