* *`Revelations of Awareness’ No. 79-25: (The Secret of the UFOs).
This Awareness indicates the Deros described during that time are remnants of a humanoid species that were left underground for many generations. They have continued in their underground civilization which, through a network of caverns and tunnels extends throughout the United States, South America and in through Europe and other regions. These tunnels have been known by the Illuminati, which was formed in 1776 on May 1st, by Adam Weishaupt, which is the reason for the May 1st celebration in many countries; that this Illuminati as the foundation for many of the occult and conspiracy type organizations that have followed. It was based on the alien contact by these entities. This Awareness indicates, of course, there were still earlier contacts with aliens on this planet, these contacts researching back into prehistory. This Awareness suggests the questions continue.
(READING CONTINUES): “Centuries ago, Surface People (some say the Illuminati) entered into a pact with an “Alien Nation” (hidden within the Earth). The U.S. government, in 1933, agreed to trade animals and humans in exchange for High Tech knowledge, and to allow them to use (undisturbed) underground bases, in the Western USA. A Special Group was formed to deal with the Alien Beings. In the 1940’s `Alien Life Forms’ (ALF) began shifting their focus of operations, from Central and South America, to the USA. The Continental Divide is vital to these `Entities’. Part of this has to do with Magnetics (Substrata Rock) and high Energy States (Plasma).”
COSMIC AWARENESS: This is in the affirmative. This Awareness indicates that this shift into this area was partly due to the use of the atomic bomb in its infancy; the first atomic bomb being exploded in Alamogordo. That this drew great attention from the aliens and in realizing that these aliens use underground caverns, one can understand why they became quite concerned with atomic bombs blowing holes in the earth, and would like to have some input on the government using such weapons.
(READING CONTINUES): “Whose Planet is This? These Aliens consider themselves `Native Terrans'”. They are an ancient race (descendant from a Reptilian Humanoid Species which cross-bred with Sapient Humans).
COSMIC AWARENESS: This Awareness indicates that this is in reference, not to all types of Greys, but to some of the Greys; the Greys from Orion in particular; that there are also other variations which do not have much of the reptilian genetics in them, but have some insect base. This Awareness indicates that the Greys who were present after World War II, who were present in this pact with the U.S. government, and the Greys who were present…This Awareness indicates there were Greys present on this planet in contact with humans in the late Twenties and early Thirties, but there were also other tall Greys that came to this planet in the period of approximately 1947-48; these being from Orion. The Zeta Reticuli Greys, coming in contact more in the Sixties; that the earlier Greys as having already been in the area, and the pact which led to the underground cavern bases was with these and also with the tall Orion Greys. Later, the Zeta Reticuli were brought in to certain agreements and allowed to have bases and there were further arrangements with them. They are all interrelated in some ways as different species, in a similar manner that on earth different races might still work together, though be somewhat segregated and somewhat different from each other.
(READING CONTINUES): “They are untrustworthy manipulator/mercenary agents for another extraterrestrial culture (the Draco), who are returning to earth (their ancient `outpost’) to use it as a staging area. But, these alien cultures are in conflict over whose agenda will be followed for this planet. All the while mental control is being used to keep humans `in place,’ especially since the Forties.”
COSMIC AWARENESS: This Awareness indicates this is in the affirmative; that there is the conflict and agreement between the Grey Reticuli and the Reptilians; that of the Grey Reticuli, the orange group as being the more hostile to the Reptilians; that it is also the more hostile group in regard to Grey/human relationships.
This Awareness indicates, however, that it does offer a potential for shifting of alliances between the Greys and the humans, since the orange Grey group is quite hostile to the Reptilians, it offers the humans an important opportunity to align themselves with the Greys and a potential for the alliance to be used in case of a conflict with the Reptilians. This Awareness indicates that it would appear that there is the potential of a situation occurring on this planet in which if the Reptilians arrive, the human race would not survive for any meaningful length of time in any quality of life. It would, it appears, deteriorate in such a manner that the human race would simply become useful as food for the Reptilians; this in the event sufficient numbers of Reptilians came and were able to control the masses of humans, and through their present allies, the Greys, it would appear this would be possible. Without the alliance between the Greys and the humans, it would appear that the Reptilians would have very little obstruction to their total dominion of the planet.
This Awareness indicates there is still the element of the Pleiadians and the entities from Sirius, as a potential, but that this is not at present seen as being a great potential, since especially the Pleiadians are in deep trouble at home.
(READING CONTINUES): “The DULCE Complex is joint U.S. Government/Alien base. It was NOT the first built with the aliens. (Others are in Colorado, Nevada, Arizona, etc.)” Is that correct?
COSMIC AWARENESS: This is in the affirmative.
(READING CONTINUES): “The Secret Activity”. Paul Benewitz reports, about his study into the Dulce area: “Troops went in and out of there every summer, starting in 1947. The natives do recall that. They also built a road–right in front of the people of Dulce, and trucks went in and out for a long period. That road was later blocked and destroyed. The signs on the trucks were “Smith Corporation” out of Pagosa Springs, Colorado. No such corporation exists now…no records exist…I believe the Base, at least the first one, was being built then undercover of a lumbering project. The problem: they never hauled logs. Only BIG equipment.”
COSMIC AWARENESS: This Awareness indicates this is in the affirmative; that there also was built an underground tunnel from the area of Alamogordo to the base.
Related:  2003: The Dulce Report:

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