(READING CONTINUES): “Deep sections of the Complex connect into natural cavern systems. A person who worked at the Base, who had an `ULTRA 7` clearance, reports: “There may be more than seven Levels, but I only know of seven. Most of the aliens are on levels 5, 6, and 7.”
COSMIC AWARENESS: This Awareness indicates there ten levels; that the three lower levels have to do with the construction of technological instruments and craft.
(READING CONTINUES): “…Alien housing is lever 5.” Is this correct?
COSMIC AWARENESS: This as in the affirmative; this as the level where the aliens live and interact together in their time when they are not involved in their activities of industry.
(READING CONTINUES): “We are leaving the era of expendable resources, like oil-based products. The power of the future is re-newable resources… “Biologically Engineered.” The Dulce Genetic Research was originally funded under the cloak of “Black Budget” Secrecy. (Billions of dollars.)
COSMIC AWARENESS: This is where the drugs and drug money has been flowing to. This Awareness indicates that this as also having received much funding from the NSA hidden agenda and purposes; that much of the enormous tax assessment on the nation and the great debt that has accumulated over the years is due to this funding.
(READING CONTINUES): “They were interested in intelligent “Disposable Biology” (Humanoids), to do the dangerous atomic (Plutonium) rocket and saucer experiments. “We cloned “our” own little Humanoids, via a process perfected in the Bio-Genetic Research Center of the World, Los Alamos!
COSMIC AWARENESS: This Awareness indicates this relates to the synthetics and in Russia, to the robotoids; that the reading continue.
(READING CONTINUES): “Now, we have our own `disposable’ slave-race. Like the alien `Greys’ (EBES), the U.S. government clandestinely impregnated females, then removed the hybrid fetus, (after about 3 months) and then accelerated their growth in the Lab. Biogenetic (DNA Manipulation) programming is instilled; they are `implanted’ and controlled at a distance through regular RF (Radio Frequency) transmissions. These act as telepathic “Channels” and telemetric brain (Advanced Research Project Agency). Two of the procedures were R.H.I.C. (Radio-Hypnotic Intracerebral Memory). The brain transceiver is inserted into the head through the nose. These devices are used in the Soviet Union and the United States, as well as in Sweden. The Swedish Prime Minister Palme gave the National Swedish Police Board the right, in 1973, to insert brain transmitters into the heads of human beings covertly. They also developed ELF and E.M. wave propagation equipment (RAYS), which can affect the nerves and can cause nausea, fatigue, irritability, even death. This is essentially the same as Richard Shaver’s Cavern “Telaug” Mech. This research into biodynamic relationships within organisms (“Biological Plasma”) has produced a RAY that can change the “genetic structure” and “HEAL” also.” Is that information correct?
COSMIC AWARENESS: How Dr. Beter Got His Information This Awareness indicates that this is correct; that the instruments which Dr. Beter once spoke of in his Audio Letters as being able to locate and determine what anyone on earth was doing at any time, is an instrument that was just spoken of, that was made available through his contacts with scientists in Nevada; that they were using these instruments in order to supply him with information for his Audio Letters. You will recall that often he spoke of entities who would allegedly be at some place, but by his sources would be found to be elsewhere, such as Jim Jones actually being flown to Israel and being thrown out of a plane near the Turkish boarder, and other instances of a similar nature, wherein entities were believed by press releases and so forth to be in a certain place, and Dr. Beter would indicate that they were truly elsewhere.
This Awareness indicates that this also allowed them to distinguish between the real entity and a duplicate, a double who was replacing that entity, because the vibration of that double would be slightly altered and different. This Awareness indicates that Dr. Beter also was able to distinguish the difference between a robotoid, synthetic and human, because the human had a soul at the time; that in his later reports and in further technology, the robotoids were even being given a soul.
This Awareness indicates that this occurred through further alien technology in which the soul of an entity can be severed from the body and implanted into another’s body. It is a technology that allows for the Walk-In. It also allows for the soul to be put into a duplicate body, a robotoid for example, so that the soul can continue to exist after the first body has been eliminated, and in this kind of action it is almost the same as if the entity had received a new body.
That in this sense, and for the purposes of changing the entity from one body to another, the reason for such might be, for example, to alter the memory or alter the philosophy of an entity in moving it from one body to another, by erasing certain aspects of memory. This Awareness indicates you will recall that the memory is stored in the etheric, between the mental and etheric bodies, and that it can be altered in the human. It can also be erased, and by taking the soul and these bodies from one physical body and putting them into another replica of the physical body, they can actually bring about a changed person with a different philosophy or different values, and yet the entity would essentially be the same personality. This Awareness indicates that perhaps this can answer many questions that entities have had, in regard to past notable figures that have been indicated by Dr. Beter as having been replaced by duplicate bodies. This Awareness suggests the reading continue.
(READING CONTINUES): “Warning: Manipulation and Control, Fear and Favor…The Pentagon, the CIA, NSA, FBI,DEA, NSC, etc. seek to capitalize on the beliefs of the American public. The Secret Government is getting ready to `stage’ a contact-landing with Aliens in the near future. This way they can `Control’ the release of Alien related propaganda. We will be told of an inter-stellar conflict. But…what looks real, may be FAKE. What is disinformation? Is your attention being diverted by the strategy of a `Shadow Plan’?”
COSMIC AWARENESS: This Awareness indicates that this refers to the scenario described in Stan Deyo’s book, THE COSMIC CONSPIRACY, as that which would be a staged version, using the beliefs of the American people in regard to the BOOK OF REVELATION, wherein entities would be expecting the return of Christ after some kind of event or situation that might lead to a kind of Armageddon. This Awareness indicates that the only thing about this is that there is, in fact the threat of the Reptilian invasion; these entities coming in a planetoid which does not travel at above-light speed; this because of such great number of entities, in needing a planetoid for the transference of the population. This Awareness indicates that if the so-called invasion occurs before 1996, and especially if it occurs around 1993, entities can probably be correct in assuming it is staged. It may be staged to set up the atmosphere for a One World Government. If it is held off until approximately 1996 or `97 or thereafter, then entities can presume it is probably for real, as by that time the Reptilians would have made their approach, would be close enough to pose a real threat.
(READING CONTINUES): “Berkeley, Los Alamos Labs Chosen to Explore Makeup of Human Genome. (Overt and Covert Research). As U.S. Energy Secretary, John Harrington, named the Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory and New Mexico’s Los Alamos National Laboratory to house new advanced genetic research centers as part of a project to decipher the human genome. The genome holds the genetically coded instructions that guide the transformation of a single cell–a fertilized egg–into a Biological Being. “The Human Genome Project may well have the greatest direct impact on a humanity of any scientific initiative before us today,” said David Shirley, Director of the Berkeley Laboratory.”
COSMIC AWARENESS: This Awareness indicates that this is the exploration of the genes and all of the codes that go into creating the various lifeforms based on the patterns involved in the code of the molecular structures that make up the genes. This Awareness indicates that there has been some research; that approximately 15% of this genetic coding has been researched by your universities, and the research being classified in such a way as to allow them to splice, remove, delete, add to that genetic code in order to create changes in the code, that it can be used for destroying or creating diseases, destroying or creating lifeforms, destroying or creating plants, animals or whatever that may be tampered with genetically.
This Awareness indicates that it can also be used to modify any of these things; thus, it has the potential for altering all forms of life, for good or ill, and for creating all types of life in different forms. This Awareness indicates that the effort is to may out and decode all of the DNA, and in so doing, have complete control over the lifeforms and the creation, modification or destruction for these forms. It is through this information that many of the creatures described on Level 6 in Nightmare Hall, such as the many- legged human, were created genetically. Atlantean Genetics: The Creation of the “Things” This awareness indicates that you will recall the Edgar Cayce readings, in the readings on Atlantis, in which he described the “Things” which the Atlanteans created. These were grossly distorted creatures; that the `Things” that were created became a part of society. These were also entities who were the product of alien technology in the time of Atlantis.
This Awareness indicates that these creations were also grotesque and of those things which are common to humans today;–the cat and the pig were direct creations of Atlantean genetics. This Awareness indicates that the pig having some human genes intermixed with earlier wild boar. The cat, being created from genes that had belonged to the Greys. You will notice the cat-like eyes of the Greys; these were incorporated into the genes used for creating the cat. This also is a reason why there were cat societies, societies that worshipped the cat, thinking they were a kind of reflection of the gods of the time, many entities seeing these Grey aliens as gods. This Awareness suggests the reading continue.

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