(FOLLOW-UP QUESTION): “I was wondering if these human genes in the pig could possibly be connected to the ancient Jewish philosophy that pork is unclean meat and should not be eaten?”
COSMIC AWARENESS: This Awareness indicates that this as in the affirmative; that there is also the concern about the cloven hoof; that entities were permitted to eat food of a certain type, but not from those animals having a cloven hoof. The cloven hoof also has been associated with the devil. This Awareness reminds you also that the Grey aliens have two toes. This Awareness indicates that the entities cloning the Hebrews were of a type that were what you might call enemies of the Greys, and did not want their clones fraternizing with or being associated with the Greys or anything that had connection with them, also did not want them eating food that had human genes in it, such as the pig. —————————————-
(READING CONTINUES): This overlaps some information just given by Awareness. “Covertly, this research has been going on for years at Dulce Labs. Level No. 6 is privately called “Nightmare Hall,” it holds the Genetic Labs. Reports from workers who have seen bizarre experimentation are as follows: “I have seen multi-legged `humans’ that look like half human/half-octopus. Also Reptilian-humans, and furry creatures that have hands like humans and cries like a baby; it mimics human words…also huge mixtures of Lizard-humans in cages.” There are fish, seals, birds and mice that can barely be considered those species. There are several cages (and vats) of Winged-humanoids, grotesque bat-like creatures, but 3-1/2 to 7 feet tall. Gargoyle- like beings and Draco-Reptoids.” Is that information true?
COSMIC AWARENESS: This Awareness indicates this scratches the surface. There are far more grotesque creatures than were described.
(FOLLOW-UP QUESTION): Isn’t that the very thing that brought down Atlantis?
COSMIC AWARENESS: This as in the affirmative.
(READING CONTINUES): “Level 7 is worse: row after row of thousands of humans and human-mixtures in cold storage. Here too are embryo storage vats of Humanoids, in various stages of development. “I frequently encountered humans in cages, usually dazed or drugged, but sometimes they cried and begged for help. We were told they were hopelessly insane, and involved in high risk tests to cure insanity. “We were told to never try to speak to them at all. At the beginning we believed that story. Finally, in 1978, a small group of workers discovered the truth. It began the `Dulce Wars,’ (and a secret resistance Unit was formed).” Note: There are over 18,000 `Aliens’ at the Dulce Base.
COSMIC AWARENESS: This Awareness indicates there are closer to 200,000 aliens at this time; that approximately 100,000 in the Dulce base, and 100,000 more that have moved through the base to other bases; these continuing to enter at a rate of about 20,000 per month. This Awareness indicates the base at Ada, Oklahoma, as still being active; this being approached from underground; that the recent floods in that area as having been in part deliberately allowed to help slow and hinder activities at the base. This Awareness indicates that the government as being divided; that one faction wishes to stop the aliens from further growth and the other faction wishing to work with the aliens, collaborating with them. The aliens wishing to move their entire population from their dying planet to this one as quickly as possible, even prior to the arrival of the Draco Reptilians.
(This Awareness suggests the reading continue).
(READING CONTINUES): “In late 1979, there was a confrontation (over weapons), a lot of scientists and military personnel were killed. The base was closed for a while…but, it is currently active. Note: Human and animal abductions (for their blood and other parts) slowed in the mid-1980s, when the Livermore Berkeley labs began production of artificial blood for Dulce. William Cooper states: “A clash occurred wherein 66 of our people, from the National Recon Group, the DELTA group, which is responsible for security of all alien-connected projects, were killed.
COSMIC AWARENESS: This Awareness indicates that this occurred in more places than the Dulce base; that in many other areas there were raids by humans into these alien bases, and skirmishes and activities in which many of these aliens were killed, or their bases shut down. This Awareness indicates that even here in your own state of Washington, and also in Oregon, this type of thing occurred; that it was in connection with a group working through the CIA, and that this did begin to have some effect. This Awareness indicates, however, that there was also a split in the intelligence bureaus, it appears came from MJ 12, in which there was one faction that wanted this conflict to stop immediately, and collaboration to continue; and because of this in-fighting within the agency, many of those agents who were working to hinder the aliens, resulted in their being covertly eliminated, especially those who had special skills in this area of raiding these caves.
(READING CONTINUES): “The DELTA Group (Within the Intelligence Support Activity) have been seen with badges which have a black triangle on a red background. (DELTA is the fourth letter of the Greek alphabet).”
COSMIC AWARENESS: This Awareness indicates this is in the affirmative; that these entities are often witnessed as the group using black helicopters; that the movie versions of the Delta Force, as that which was based on rumors that such a force existed; these being particularly related to UFO and alien concerns and not to raid into other countries as a kind of SWAT team organization; this not being their purpose, as depicted in movies.
(READING CONTINUES): “It has the form of a triangle, and figures prominently in certain Masonic signs. Each base has its own symbol. The Dulce base symbol is a triangle with the Greek letter (Tau) `T’ within it, and then the symbol is inverted, so the triangle points down. The insignia of `a triangle and 3 lateral lines’ has been seen on `Saucer (transport) Craft,’–the Tri-lateral symbol. Other symbols mark landing sites and Alien craft. And they draw some of the symbols here that look like Indian teepees and so forth. Is this information correct? COSMIC AWARENESS: This Awareness indicates this is the affirmative; that these symbols appear to be correct in regard to the connection described.
This Awareness indicates that the Greek symbols relate back to symbols from Akkadia, and even back to symbols of Sumeria, and these were given as symbols of Sumeria, and these were given as symbols from the aliens of that time; thus the symbols are a kind of link between alien and modern human language, neither quite alien, nor neither quite English, but of a language that many who have been educated in your modern schools can easily find and adjust to in using the Greek symbols. The aliens also then have the capacity of adjusting their language or symbolic writings into Greek, which is not too difficult for them, and the humans to use as a mediating written language, in terms of symbols.
(READING CONTINUES): “Inside the Dulce Base, Security officers wear jump-suits, with the Dulce symbol on the front upper left side. The standards hand- weapon at Dulce, is a `Flash gun,’ which is good against humans and aliens. The I.D. card (used in card slots for the doors and elevators) has the Dulce symbol above the I.D. photo. “Government Honchos” use cards with the Great Seal of the U.S. on it. “The Cult of the All-Seeing Eye” (The New World Order)…13, “666” -the Phoenix Empire…”9″…”Illuminism,”…`One out of many.'”
COSMIC AWARENESS: How the Flash-Gun Operates This Awareness indicates that this as in the affirmative; that in regard to the flash gun; that this as being likened unto a kind of laser ray-gun; that it is a real life version of the Star Trek phaser; the difference being that the flash-gun works in such a way that the entity doesn’t simply die from the blast, but is dried up.
This Awareness indicates that there is the potential for setting the flash-gun to different frequencies or different ranges of temperature; that its most intense range as that which immediately dissolves or evaporates all water in the body, causing a body to shrivel up totally, so that nothing in the sense of liquid within the body is present. Thus, the entity literally burns up at whatever speed is appropriate according to the setting of the flash-gun; very quickly or very slowly. It is essentially a death ray that works on the water in the body.
Related:  2012: A Conversation with Jo Ann Richards Regarding Captain Mark Richards U.S

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