In his book THE MAJIC PRESENCE, G.W. Ballard describes a strange experience which occurred to him and some companions while exploring a cave in Wyoming.

While visiting Colorado he met a Mr. Daniel Rayborn. From there they traveled to the ‘Diamond K Ranch’ in Wyoming, one of the Rayborn mining properties, where the experiences described in the book began. There, he met Rayborn’s son Rex, an his daughter Nada.

Some days later, they planned to spend the day exploring Table Mountain, one of their favorite haunts in the Wyoming Rockies. They mounted their horses, one of them an Arabian stallion which had been a gift to them from an Arab Sheik. They waved good-by to Rayborn, cantered off across the valley, and soon entered the mountain trail:

“…It wound steadily upward through the beautiful timber. Occasionally, we came into a clearing and stopped to enjoy the magnificent view. We followed the mountain stream for quite a distance. The song of the birds, the fragrance of the flowers, and the exhilaration of the rarefied air made us feel radiantly strong, and glad to be alive.

We reached the top of the mountain near noon, and there before us lay a level space, covering at least twenty acres, a veritable plateau suspended in the midst of those towering giants. A cozy little cabin and a shelter for the horses had been built. It was made of stone with a built-in stove, very unique and serviceable. We enjoyed the beauty of the surrounding country for a while, and then sat down to a delightful lunch.

“’You know,’ Rex commented, ‘…Let’s go to the cave by the other trail as soon as we finish lunch,’ he suggested, and we agreed.

“By crossing over to the opposite side of the mountain, we found a good trail leading down, where the scenery was more wild and rugged. In some places, the rocks looked as if they had been stained green, blue, and black by some marvelous mineral coloring. The sunlight and shadow played upon them as we changed our position, producing the effect of a beautiful inspiring panorama. We continued down the trail about four thousand feet, turned sharply, and came to the eastern face of the mountain.

“Thousands of years ago, a portion of It had evidently split away, making the whole side a sheer cliff, at least a thousand feet above us. The trail we were on wound around the south side, turning toward the eastern wall and running along a shelf-like projection that brought us to the entrance of the cave. The trail was strewn with great boulders that made it rough and difficult of access. A wing of rock hid the entrance, as if nature jealously guarded its secrets from curious eyes. We left the horses tied safely nearby, and Rex took three powerful flashlights from his saddle-bag.

“‘Prepare for a surprise,’ he exclaimed, turning to me, and then led the way into the cave. About fifty feet from the opening, we entered a medium-sized cavern. As soon as my eyes became adjusted to the change of light, I saw the entire ceiling was covered with a pink and white crystalline substance. We crossed the first space, a distance of about thirty feet, and passed through an archway leading into an immense, vaulted chamber, at least two hundred feet across.

“The ceiling was covered with rainbow-colored stalactites in the most amazing forms I have ever seen. There were crosses, circles, crosses within circles, triangles and many, many occult symbols that have been in use on this earth, since its very beginning. It looked as if these symbols had been suspended from the ceiling ages ago, and nature had covered them with a carbonate of lime formation, highly colored and most artistically decorated by her pigments. The beauty of it made one speechless, fascinated with wonder and admiration. It gave one the feeling of eyes watching every moment.

“Rex called to us, to come to the far side of the chamber where he stood. We crossed the intervening space, and stood before a wall upon which there were three arches, about twenty feet apart. Within each was a highly polished surface. The first one to my left was a Chinese red, the second a glittering white, and the third a cobalt blue. “Immediately, I felt they were significant of something concerning America. The feeling grew so great, I could hardly stand it.

“’This is the work of a Mighty Intelligence in ages past,’ I said, ‘and I feel that these arches close entrances to other chambers or passages beyond.’

“‘…Let’s tell him of our experience the last time we were here,’ (Nada) suggested to Rex.

“’Just a year ago,’ Rex explained, ‘we came to this cave, and as I stood before the blue arch, I was so fascinated that I put out my hand, and was running it over the surface, when a voice right out of the atmosphere said: “Stop!” “’The voice was not that of anger but rather that of supreme authority. We left the cave immediately, and have never returned until now.’ “’Before I have ended my visit with you, dear people, I feel certain some amazing explanation of it all will be given,’ I replied.

“We returned to our horses, and found the beautiful Arabian Pegasus, in a state of great agitation, for he was highly sensitive to the spiritual power focused within this mountain, and it made him restless, because of the intensity of the energy. Only by very great gentleness could Nada quiet him, and prevent him from racing madly home. She said, there seemed to be no limit to his speed, when he became excited…”

They then returned to the ranch, where Ballard was then introduced to Daniel Rayborn’s new superintendent, Bob Singleton, and Bob’s sister Pearl. A few days afterwards they again entered the cave.

Related:  1962: The Hidden World: MEXICO'S HAUNTED UNDERGROUND HALLS

“…We drove by auto, as far as the road went, which left only a distance of about two miles for us to hike. “The day was glorious, and the very air seemed charged with a magical fragrance, a powerful, highly attenuated, spiritual energy. The drive was delightful. We found a safe, secluded spot for the automobile, taking our flashlights with extra batteries, and reached th entrance to the cave at exactly ten minutes to eight. “We entered the first chamber, and were immediately conscious of a powerful vibration, almost like that produced by the throbbing of great machinery…”

(Here, Ballard claims, they met a ‘master’ from the Inner Earth, by the name of ‘Germain’ – Branton)

“‘If you will kindly follow me (‘Germain’ then asks them) we shall proceed.’ “He moved toward the archway of white, described in the first chapter (of Ballard’s book – Branton), and stopped about three feet in front of it. He extended his right hand, and in a moment a dazzling white light, like a dense vapor, enveloped the entire place. The entrance to a tunnel, filled with a soft white light, opened.

“We entered, followed ‘Germain’ for a distance of several hundred feet, and at last came to another door on which in raised figures were the ancient symbols of Life. Presently, the door opened, and we were admitted into a chamber of extraordinary shape and remarkable beauty, having twelve sides of equal dimensions, a beautiful dome forming its ceiling.

“Each side was made of a different kind of substance. Four of the panels were dazzling white, each different yet giving off a soft, glowing, sparkling light, and making a square within the twelve-pointed figures. The others were of various colors of most delicate, beautiful shades. The room was at least sixty feet in diameter, and on the east side stood an instrument in a transparent case that looked like a radio as far as I could tell.

“On each side of this case, forming a circle around the entire room about three feet from the wall, were twelve chairs made of the same transparent metal as the case, one in front of each panel… Germain seated us, and stepped to the instrument.

“‘Beloved students,” he began, “your surmise is correct. Within this case is the most remarkable radio yet produced on earth. The case, as you see, is perfectly transparent, yet the material of which it is made is as tough and strong or stronger than steel, so hard you cannot make an impression on it with a hammer. The inventor of this super-radio will be here to-night, when you shall meet her.

“‘I wish you to be my guests here for three days. I will see that a written message is delivered to your home, by a visible messenger to-night, and that your automobile is guarded. Now, if you will come with me, we shall proceed, as we have much to do before evening.’

“He went to the opposite side of the room from which we had entered, and pressed his hand against the wall. A panel slid back, and revealed an opening into a large oblong room.

“‘This is a chemist’s laboratory,’ he explained, ‘in which the Great Master Chemists have been working for the past fifty years, perfecting formulas for the protection of America in the next and final crisis of her experience. After this crisis… (could this ‘crisis’ be the prophesied ‘invasion’ of the U.S.A. by China, Russia, Germany, Mexico, and other ‘New World Order’ controlled countries, as foreseen in the famous ‘vision’ of George Washington and many others? , her people will be taught the use of the Universal energy of light, heat and power. This will come forth in still greater perfection, than has ever been known in any previous age.’

“We went to the far end of the laboratory, and passed into another room fully three times as large, where electrical experiments were being carried on. This entire room was lined with the same transparent material, as had been used in the case of the radio.

“‘Many discoveries and inventions,’ he continued, ‘are being brought forth hereby awakening the past memory within those who are doing the experimental work… Those doing this work are preparing wonders and blessings untold for America, her people, and through her, for the world. During the next seventy years America and her people will scarcely recognize themselves, as they look back upon their limited activities of today.

“‘…(They) are perfecting, an preparing for actual use many wonderful things, for the great benefit and enlightenment of humanity, as people ascend in conscious understanding to a point where such things can be accepted and used. Many of these formulas and inventions have been and are being taken from cities hermetically sealed, that lie at the bed of the Atlantic ocean, having sunk beneath its waters, when the last cataclysm destroyed Atlantis.

“‘These Great Ones have drawn such formulas from within these sealed cities, and are testing and improving upon them. This is how the greater Perfection comes forth for the use and upliftment of the race, in the coming Golden Age. “‘…In these wonderful secret chambers of Nature, the work goes on quietly, unknown to the outer world, and whenever the individual seeks the Light, for the Light itself, then truly all things are added.’ “…Germain called our attention to one thing after another that had already been perfected, and others that were under construction. I can never put in words the feeling of joy and exhilaration this gave everyone of us.

“…Germain then led the way to the entrance of a shaft in which there was a metal cage or elevator. We entered, and began moving downward. We descended about a hundred feet, and the cage stopped in the center of a circular room. It was about twenty feet in diameter, and facing us was a stone door. He pulled a lever at the right of the entrance. The massive door swung open, and disclosed an immense chamber that contained marvelous, complete equipment for making every kind of material, that was used in constructing the various devices, in both the chemical and electrical laboratories. In this great room there were large electrical furnaces, and huge rollers for changing the various metals into thin sheets. Everything was electrically operated.

Related:  Florida's Underground

“‘This is the place,’ (remarked Germain) ‘from which you felt throbbing vibration within the mountain, as you entered the cave. The machinery is seldom operated during the day. To-day it is necessary to do so in order to be ready for the work that we are to accomplish to-night, and for which you have been invited here.

“‘Every kind of material we wish to use is produced right here in this chamber. Of course, we do not need great quantities for the experimental work we are doing, but this work is to bring into practical use, for the future, the great genius and marvelous ideals of highly illumined individuals.’

“…Germain stepped to a door leading to the heart of the mountain. It opened at his touch, and we entered an oblong sort of reception hall, having a dome-like ceiling. The walls and ceilings were all of the most beautiful, delicate milk-white color, the floor being covered with a creamy, soft, wool-like material, at least an inch and a half thick. There were five chairs made of a semi-opaque substance in a similar cream color, and upholstered in the same soft blue plush as the chairs in the Tower-room of the Rayborn home.

“…Our preparation (for dinner) finished, we returned to the reception room. A few moments later the girls entered, dressed in robes like ours, and they were visions of loveliness. The robes of Pearl and Rex were alike and Nada’s was like mine. Their room was evidently a duplicate of ours except that it was decorated in a soft pink shade.

“We were very much occupied comparing notes, when the most heavenly chimes sounded through the room, and instantly, the middle door opened. We entered, and were thrilled at the beauty we gazed upon.

“Here again, the room was in the same soft, milk-white and gold combination. The dome-like ceiling was colored sky-blue, and on it were clouds that gave one the impression of really looking at the sky. The walls were draped with the most marvelous cloth that looked like diamond dust, for something in the composition of the fabric gave it an indescribable radiance.

“This audience chamber was perhaps forty by eighty feet, and in its center stood a large golden table with a crystal top. At the far end of the room, there was a duplicate of this table about one third its size, and around it were placed chairs for six persons. In one corner was a beautiful organ and opposite, in another corner stood a piano, the case being made of the same metal-like substance as the other furniture. All were so absorbed in admiration and enjoyment of this beauty that we did not notice ‘Germain’ and Daniel Rayborn enter, until we felt them close behind us… (Germain) seated Rayborn at one end, and took the head himself. Pearl was placed at his right and then Rex & Nada at his left and then myself.

“…In just a moment, and without another spoken word, a crystal goblet filled with a golden sparkling liquid appeared at the right hand of each one.

“‘To the enlightenment and happiness of each of you and of all humanity,’ he said, raising his glass, and as we drank this marvelous nectar, everyone felt the quickening power of its life-giving essence rush through the body. Next there appeared what looked like a vegetable loaf, with a piece of honey cake that was only slightly sweet. These were most delicious and all agreed it was the most perfect thing we had ever eaten. A fruit salad followed, or at least that was what it most nearly resembled, and ‘Germain’ said it was most nourishing.

“For dessert, we ate something that resembled ice cream, refreshingly cool, not ice cold, and with it a kind of angel-food cake, but much more delicious than anything we know of in the outer world. Lastly, there appeared crystal goblets, filled with a creamy liquid, and as we drank it, a force rushed through our bodies like living light.

“…None of us had ever before partaken of anything half so delicious, nourishing, and satisfying as this marvelous dinner.

“…Germain then said: ‘…Now, let us go to the radio-chamber. Friends are awaiting us there.’

“When we reached it, we were presented to three ladies and three gentlemen, who had arrived ahead of us. They wore the same sort of robes as ours, only of different color. Among them, was an elderly gentleman with white hair and beard who seemed almost feeble. One of the three ladies, whom we shall call Leonora, stepped to the radio, and said:

“‘This perfected radio is the result of my work… This radio possesses three fields of operation, that which I term high, medium, and low.

“‘In high, it reaches other planets of our solar system. In medium, it reaches anywhere on our own planet, earth, including the eitheric belts, and in low, it reaches THE INTERIOR OF OUR EARTH. Let us first connect with some of our cities.’

Related:  Buck Hill Caverns, Virginia

“In a few moments, we heard clearly and distinctly a lecture being broadcast by one of the most prominent stations in New York. Afterwards, we picked up an orchestra, broadcast from another New York station. Then, she got connections with London, Paris, Vienna, Cairo, Calcutta, Hong Kong  Melbourne and Tokyo. Distance seemed to make no difference in reception and at no time was there ever the slightest indication of static.”

“…’Within the next ten years, or perhaps twenty — depending entirely upon the harmony maintained among the inhabitants of earth, — a number of our great inventions will be

given to those of your people, who are attuned to receive them. These will be of very great benefit to your humanity, as is the wonderful Atomic Accelerator which is near you. That instrument will one day bless your people tremendously. Call us, whenever we can be of service to you. Our Love, Light and Wisdom enfold you and all the earth.’

“Leonora then changed from high to low, and in about three minutes a deep voice was heard, saying:

“‘I recognize your call, and I am answering in person. This is Pelleur. It is interesting and encouraging to know there are those on the earth’s surface who have some idea of the possibility that (intelligent) beings can and do exist within the interior of the earth. We think we have less to contend with than you, for we do not have extremes in temperature, nor seasons of heat or cold. We have the ‘Eternal White Light’ which is soft and restful (Note from Branton: Apparently in reference to their existence within the ‘interior’ of the earth, he is referring to those humans living on the surface of the geo-concavitic – or ‘hollow’ — interior of our ‘geode-like’ planet, some 800-1000 miles beneath the outer crust).

“‘Our climate is very delightful, like that of the semi-tropics on earth. Your America will one day have something quite similar, and yet, there will always be some slight change of seasons. They will be much less severe, than those you have at present. We have what might be called the ‘Eternal Sun of Even Pressure.’ This produces an atmosphere that is always of equal pressure and harmonious to all who live within it. (Note: “Pelleur’s Kingdom” HAS also been identified by other sources as existing within the hollow-concave interior of the planet earth – Branton)

“…”I am cognizant of many of earth’s conditions outside of my own activity here, for when we, as you, reach into God’s Mind, all knowledge can be obtained, because our motive is pure and unselfish.’

“‘We may not continue these observations further,’ Leoora exclaimed. ‘At this tine other things demand our attention and service.’

“…Germain saw and felt the unanswered questions in our minds, as to why there were inhabitants in the center of the earth, and what kind of individuals they were, for the idea shocked us, just the same as it does our readers. He studied us all for a moment or two, and then said:

“‘Yes, I will tell you the facts now, since the condition and demand to know the Truth is great, within each one of you. You, as students on the path, who are really trying to understand Life everywhere in the Universe, must remember to keep the intellect often reminded, that there is no place in the Universe where self-conscious individuals, and by that I mean individuals who know and are conscious of themselves (as created beings with free will), may not go to explore and understand all Cosmic activity. There is no place or condition, I say, that they may not go, explore, and understand what is going on at that point, — if they so desire.

“‘The idea that the center of the earth is a mass of fire is entirely erroneous. Within the crust of the earth for a ‘certain’ depth, there are conditions of the fire- element acting, but within the center of the earth itself, there are self-conscious individual beings… There are also beings who are striving for that same ideal, but working only within the conditions provided by Nature at the surface.

“‘…This revelation is not unnatural or inconsistent with a Great infinite Divine Plan. The inconsistent, unnatural condition of humanity IS the ignorance, the narrowness the littleness, the darkness of a human concept that shuts the door upon the stupendous marvels of this Glorious Universe and says: — “I don’t believe it, that is impossible.”

“‘Only ignorance and darkness make mankind believe that anything is impossible. The students of Light, who know and really accept an All-powerful SOURCE of Creation — and what reasoning mind can doubt it, when one studies the marvels of the atom, as well as the Cosmic Suns — know that the wonders of creation which face us everywhere on our planet, are limitless, marvelous, and stupendous. These facts are True. There are many kinds of individuals expanding their Light on the planets of our system, and just because one type has not yet had conscious knowledge of others is no proof that they do not exist.

“‘Humanity must some day learn a little more of what abides in the Universe besides themselves, and this instruction contains part of that new knowledge…'”

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