A Guide to the Inner Earth: G

**** G ****   Gaddis, Vincent H.    — AMERICAN INDIAN MYTHS & MYSTERIES., Chilton Books., Radnor, PA 1977; Reprint by Signet Books., NY 1978; Thomas Nelson Sons, Ltd., Don Mills, Ont., Canada: Chapter – TUNNELS OF THE TITANS., pp. 47-57: Ancient tunnels and the Inner Earth.    — NOTES ON SUBTERRANEAN SHAFTS., Article in AMAZING STORIES magazine., Jan. 1949, pp. 148-151: Several reports of strange artificial shafts and tunnels that have been discovered throughout the world, which lead into the […] Read More

The Hollow Earth

by R. Bernard, showing the true nature of our world. For a long time I have been intrigued by the concept of the Hollow Earth. I remember reading Raymond Bernard’s book on the subject ( The Hollow Earth – 1979 ) in the mid 1980’s and felt a strong affinity for the whole idea. Next, I read a strange book called “Etidorhpa” by John Uri Llyod written in the late 1890’s about a person who traveled from the Outer […] Read More