Sahara Desert’s Underground

Sahara Desert’s Underground [google_map_easy id=”5″] Location: Sahara Desert Africa Functions: Unknown Levels: Unknown Tunnels to: Unknown Notes:  No less than 230 visible tunnels at least ten feet high and twelve feet wide have been discovered between Sebha, the modern capital of the Fezzan, and the oasis of Ghat on the Algerian border. They run an average length of three miles – a total of 700 miles – not counting those that are unknown. In places, they run less than 20 […] Read More

Kenya’s Underground

Kenya’s Underground [google_map_easy id=”4″] Location: Kirimaya Kenya  Functions: Unknown Levels: Unknown Tunnels to: Unknown Notes:  The African village of Kirimaya, according to Brad Steiger, sat at the base of the so-called “sacred” peak of Mt. Kenya, over which numerous UFO’s have been sighted over the years. Laili Thindu and his shepherd companions listened for several nights to the pounding of the drums in the distant village announcing an upcoming wedding but were startled when bright beams flashed from the soaring lights that […] Read More

Ancient and Hollow Astronauts

The world has always had its secret places. As mankind spread out from its ancient home on the plains of Africa, there was always something wonderful — or fearful — over the next hill, the next mountain, or across the sea. By the nineteenth century, the outlines of all the continents were known, and the interiors were steadily being explored. But as the Earth became more and more known, the desire for secret places did not lessen. Speculations about […] Read More

Tales of the Underground

During the summer of 1998, cave explorers using scientific equipment were able to confirm that a linked cave system some 15 miles in length exists underground in North Wales. Several years ago a researcher by the name of Frank D. Adams wrote on the results of his personal scientific experiments which may prove that giant cavities exist in granite at depths of more than 11 miles, conclusions which have also been supported by Louis V. King, a mathematician who […] Read More

Chapter 14 – The Coming Chaos

The plan is to unleash elemental forces of chaos that transcend government philosophy. The primitive mandate for political/social structure seems to be the protection of the person from crime and disease, protection of property, a system of justice to enforce those protections, and organization for economic gain. All these refinements we’ve developed – democracy, fascism, communism, monarchy – come after the primitive mandates have been met. The theory is that if you remove enough of those basic protections the […] Read More