The Dulce Papers – Chapter 30a – REVELATIONS FROM THE LEADING EDGE

The following information is reproduced, with permission, from Val Valerian’s massive work MATRIX II [The Abduction and Manipulation of Humans Using Advanced Technology]. This and other highly interesting research reports are available from the LEADING EDGE RESEARCH GROUP; P.O. Box 7530., Yelm, Washington State C.F. 98597 C.F. The following information is not given in any particular chronology or order, but more in a random collection of notes and research generally involving the connections between Aerial, Conspiracy and Subsurface phenomena: […] Read More

The Dulce Papers – Chapter 10a – 1991: THE DEEP DARK SECRET AT DULCE

The Feb.-Mar. 1991 issue of ‘UFO UNIVERSE‘ carried an article titled ‘THE DEEP DARK SECRET AT DULCE‘, written by Bill Hamilton and ‘TAL‘ LeVesque. If planet earth is to be the central ‘battleground‘ or staging-ground for a final cosmic battle between galactic superpowers, and if the U.S. is one of the major areas on earth where the ‘final outcome‘ will be decided, and since the Dulce, New Mexico area is considered to be THE MAJOR BASING SITE where human-alien […] Read More


The elusive “Commander-X” has — through his reported connections within the Intelligence Community — released still further revelations regarding the dark secrets of Dulce. The Commander claims to be a member of “THE COMMITTEE OF 12″ [COM-12?], an obscure intelligence group which is working to educate the public about the joint fascist-alien threat to America and preserve our Constitutional-based Republic as it was established by the original founders of the United States:“… There were over 650 attendees to the […] Read More