Underground Tunnels, Cities, and Civilization

Tribes of people seem to be living in deep underground cities, very ancient, in the deep Amazon, Spain, Turkey, and many other places around the world. Related articles Secrets and Mysteries of An Underground World Truck Driver Confirms Underground City Beneath US.The New Command Center for the NWO 2013: Giant Sphinx Discovered Among Bermuda Triangle Pyramids The Miracle Of Right Thought 2001: ‘Lost city’ found beneath Cuban waters

2009: The High Tech Underground City of Marconi, Fulcanelli, and Tesla

http://www.godlikeproductions.com/forum1/message901534/pg1 Marconi the Mysterious Marconi was the son of a wealthy Italian landowner and an Irish mother When interest in his first transmission in 1895 had not interested Italian authorities, he had gone to Britain. The Marconi Wireless Telegraph Company was formed in London in 1896 and Marconi made millions, off his inventions. Marconi and Tesla are both given credit for the invention of the radio Marconi’s historical radio transmission utilized a Heinrich Hertz spark arrester a Popov antenna […] Read More

Underground Brazil

Brazil is the fourth largest country in the world, occupying nearly half the total area of South America. Its great capital city, Brasilia, and two magnificent ports of Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo are internationally famous and present an air of sophistication and culture that has led some people to suggest that ultimately the nation will become one of the world’s leading nations. Yet beyond the coastal lowlands facing the Atlantic Ocean lie some of the most impenetrable […] Read More