1946: AMAZING STORIES: Legend of Quinmas Valley

The December, 1946 issue of AMAZING STORIES magazine, on pages 24-25, carries the following story, titled ‘LEGEND OF QUINMAS VALLEY’.  The story was told by a man – an explorer – by the name of Rex Du Howard:      “…The storm had become quite bad, and Chatham Sound was no place for small craft such as ours, so we  put about and into a nearby harbor. Farther cruising into Alaska waters would be held up till the storm abated. […] Read More


THE SECRETS OF THE MOJAVE (Or, The Conspiracy Against Reality) Page # 13 [7th edition] Compiled by ‘The Group’ — Edited by ‘Branton’ Re-Edited 02,02,2020 for grammar and spelling – ‘Think’ “He indicated that the objects fly in a wobbly way. His pictures have shown that. He says ‘like the rocking of a boat.’ He has measured many right-angle turns and also full 180 degree turns in a 20th of a second with the objects still inside the bow-wave. […] Read More