A Guide to the Inner Earth: A

**** A **** Adams, Frank D. – Writings concerning his scientific experiments which may prove that giant cavities exist in granite at depths of more than 11 miles, conclusions supported by Louis V. King, a mathematician who calculated that, at normal temperature, a cavity could exist at depths between 17.2 and 20.9 miles.  The author’s findings are also supported by the newly-discovered 16 Rouse Belts, which give planes of fracture completely penetrating the globe. (Also see: Stewart, C. Nelson – […] Read More

2002: Beneath Egypt’s Desert Lie Ancient Seaports

Posted July 22.02 Berenike artifacts indicate a wide-ranging, cosmopolitan mix of people South of Suez, the Egyptian shore of the Red Sea used to be sprinkled with ports that throbbed with life and commerce in antiquity, especially during the heyday of the Roman Empire. But long ago, the relentless desert buried their remains. Under the sand lie pivotal links in a maritime trade route that rivaled the better-known overland Silk Road. From here, ships ventured down the coast to […] Read More