Man Searching for Entrance to Hollow Earth Mysteriously Disappears

On the 4th of October, 2002, a bizarre guest arrived on the Coast to Coast AM radio show with Art Bell. The host had a reputation for analyzing mysterious themes with intriguing guests, but only few had ever sounded as amazed as this one. The guest – Dallas Thompson, was a legally blind personal trainer who spent his boyhood in Hawaii, but now lived in Bakersfield, California. Five years earlier, his life had changed forever after a terrible car […] Read More

Melting Antarctica Ice Reveals UFO Underwater Base

Planet Earth is undergoing major changes including Antarctica. Antarctica is home to glorious mountain ranges wrapped in glacial ice. If you at them long enough, you might start to notice a strange geometric pattern — some of the peaks are oddly, perfectly pyramid-shaped. This, if you belong to certain corners of the internet, can only mean one thing: aliens. Now, using Google Earth we found an area of open water surrounded by sea ice in which you can see […] Read More

What They Found ,Then Covered Up, In Antarctica Will Blow Your Mind

Editor’s note: The following story is amazing and should be shared with everyone you know! The U.S. Government has been complicit in many cover ups, but this is by far one of the most compelling accounts. ANTARCTICA (INTELLIHUB) — Operation Highjump (OpHjp) put nearly 5000 U.S. military personnel along with every resource available to the Navy’s disposal in the hands of Admiral Richard Byrd, the Operations Leader of the U.S. Naval mission into the Antarctic. Think about that for […] Read More

2015: According to the Macuxi Indians of the Amazon: There’s An Entire World Inside Our Planet

The Macuxi Indians knew about the existence of the Hollow Earth nearly one hundred years ago. But are their legends true or are they another incredible story of folklore? What if Jules Verne’s classic “Journey to the Center of the Earth” is actually true? And somewhere down there, an entire new world is waiting to be explored, a place where somehow, living beings inhabit the depths of our planet, a place that ancient cultures and civilizations knew existed, or […] Read More

An Underground Base in the Antarctica

Parallelly, while the Germanic scientists improved VRIL, the HAUNEBU, and the RFZ, other ” strangers ” events had,  they were happened quickly, starting from 1938. But we begin for this part of the history of the XX Century, partially ignored, and that involved Portugal directly. One of the great problems that they came across in the XX Century, after the I World War  (1914-1918), it was the mail transport between Europe and America. Already then, in the twenties, two […] Read More

1978: UNDER ANTARCTICA – Fact Or Fiction?

George Wilfehrt, 8-78 (*Note all names have been changed I hadn’t seen by nephew John in years. (His true identity has been changed to protect him from possible persecution by the authorities.) Through the family grapevine, I learned he had gotten a doctorate in geology and had joined the navy. I was surprised when he called the office not long ago to invite me out to lunch. He sounded nervous over the phone and refused to talk about his recent history until we were alone. I […] Read More

Hollow earth… Stuff they don’t want you to know!!!

As World War II raged across Europe and the Pacific, the conflict reached every continent on the planet, including Antarctica. Learn more about the little-known Nazi expeditions to Antarctica — and what they hoped to find there — Hollow Earth? — in this episode of Stuff They Don’t Want You to Know. Related articles Jim Vieira and the Giants Intuition Connecting the Dots of the Paranormal: Little Green Men and Little People The Miracle Of Right Thought 1989: UFO […] Read More


by Branton Since the age of 12, 1 have had an intense interest in the subject of UFOlogy, which was sparked after reading Frank Edwards’ book FLYING SAUCERS, SERIOUS BUSINESS. This led to an interest in the investigation of subsurface anomalies, followed by a still later fascination with conspiracy research (all- together, they represent the study of that which is Above, Below and Within). I will refrain from explaining how I came to the following conclusions, as it would […] Read More

Antarctica’s Underground

Antarctica’s Underground [google_map_easy id=”99″] Location: Mt. Levick Antarctica: Admiralty Mountains – On top of the Ice Functions: Weather regulator after orders from Spaceship  Human experiments to make bodies tough. Radio interference, and checking communications of Southern Hemisphere. Levels: Unknown Tunnels to: Unknown Notes: Highly sophisticated Atomic Reactor. Unconventional Atomic weapons for an attack on other planets. Earth is their Base for warfare against inhabited planets in this area of the Milky Way. Source: Location: Neuschwabenland, Queen Maud Land Antarctica […] Read More

Theory into Fact: Gravity, Magnetic Poles & Ringing Bells

The father of The Hollow Earth Theory Marshall B. Gardner says:“In gravitational pull it is not the geometrical position that counts. Center, in the geometrical sense of the word, does not apply. It is the mass that attracts. And if the great mass of the earth is in its thick shell, it is the mass of that shell that will attract, and not a mere geometrical point, which is not in the shell, but 2900 miles away from it, […] Read More