High Strangeness on the Archuleta Mesa

In the late 1960s when Richard Nixon was inaugurated our nation’s chief executive and America was still reeling from massive race riots and the spector of hippies burning their draft cards in the face of the GI generation in protest of the Vietnam War, quiet pockets of our country existed where gentle breezes swept through willow trees in Mayberry fashion and moonlit dirt roads were more than rural legend. Such is the sleepy small town of Dulce (pronounced Dul-cee) […] Read More

1998: Brad Smith on Paul Bennewitz and Dulce

Brad Smith on Paul Bennewitz and Dulce   From: Brad Smith   Date: Mon, 26 Jan 1998 19:47:51 -0800   I spoke to Paul twice in extended conversations in 1988-89. I called Thunder Scientific. He was spacey but understandable. He was a pilot. His business took him from Albuquerque to Denver frequently. He told me he had taken some photos out of the plane on several different trips on his way over the Archuleta Mesa. These pictures showed saucer […] Read More