Project Superman 15a

Chinese martial arts weapons, Chinese throwing stars, numb-chucks, brass knuckles with spikes, etc.. My mother hated, and I mean hated guns. I was not allowed to have ANY toy guns as a child what so ever, no bee-bee guns, no toy guns, not even any plastic guns. I wasn’t even allowed to play like I was shooting anyone (cops and robbers, cowboys and Indians) when I was a child. When Atari came out, my mother hated even the idea […] Read More

The Dulce Papers – Chapter 29a – “THEY LIVE”: CHAMELEONS IN OUR MIDST!?

John A. Keel, in his book ‘OUR HAUNTED PLANET‘, gives an interesting introduction to the reality of an alien race that has taken careful measures to remain hidden from the mass consciousness of those dwelling on the surface of planet earth — or those ignorant ‘human cattle‘ whom they are intent on manipulating and exploiting from their secret hiding places above, below and even amongst the inhabitants of planet earth: “…The parahuman Serpent People of the past are still […] Read More