Project Superman 6a

As I’m about to leave, I reach for the desk drawer. I yank open the drawer, and the only thing in it is a thin brass metal plate. I flip it over and it says “101“. My heart stops, I instantly start to sweat. All of a sudden I AM VERY SCARED. I drop the plate, slam the drawer closed, close the door and get the hell out of there. Looking back and trying to piece this all together […] Read More

Hollow Earth Cities

Recently, America watched Stephen Spielberg’s TV pilot, a remake of Verne’ s “Journey to the Center of the Earth.” A maverick team of scientists aboard their melt-proof ship enter the inner Earth through a bubbling volcano. When things cool off, they find themselves exploring a vast and sunny inner landscape . . . a magical and inviting world with ample room to fly. Their adventure resembles the real life account of a Norwegian sailor named Olaf Jansen. His story, […] Read More