Chapter 25 – Germans Economic MIRACLE

For more information on how the “economic miracle” was accomplished after the war by the Germans, you can read such books as “Martin Bormann, Nazi in Exile” by Paul Manning. [ “…Bormann became the guiding force in the ‘economic miracle’ that led to the rebirth of the German industry and finance in the thirty-five years following the political and military defeat. In the waning months of World War II, as the Third Reich was tottering and finally crumbling in […] Read More

Chapter 10 – Current Organization & Goals for the New World Order

Today the Group consists of international bankers [the same core of NY, London, Swiss and German merchant bankers, but now expanded to the largest banks in many other parts of the world, notably Japan and in the Middle East], kings, at least one queen, princes, industrialists [among the world’s top 100 CEOs +/or Chairmen… a heavy concentration in autos], Army, Navy, Air Force, & Marine Corps generals, State department section chiefs, Mafia chiefs, drug lords, elected officials, judges at […] Read More