1995: An Introduction to The Hollow Earth

by Dennis Crenshaw Is the Earth Hollow? This intriguing question has attracted the attention of free thinkers, scientists and a wide assortment of crackpots back through the ages.   The most ancient of stories of modern mankind can be found written on the clay tablets of Mesopotamia. Two, “Gilgamesh” (Table XII) and “The Descent of Ishtar to the Underworld”, are about adventures among different kinds of creatures inside the earth.   1 Plato wrote of enormous subterranean tunnels both […] Read More

2000: Aliens Under The Sea

Source: Daily Mail newspaper (UK) Publication Date: November 11, 2000 Extracted from UNEARTHLY DISCLOSURE by Timothy Good, published by Century at 16.99. Timothy Good 2000   Forget UFOs, something fishy is going on in the Caribbean. Are Unidentified Submersible Objects the latest space menace? Judge the facts for yourself. by Timothy Good   IT’S THE most outlandish alien theory yet. Beings from outer space establishing secret bases on Earth, and travelling in ships that are just as much at […] Read More