The Hollow Earth – Heaven or Hell?

Our common conception is that Heaven is out there somewhere in the sky or in space, while Hell is underneath us, deep underground or at the planet’s center. This would be accurate if the planet had a wholly solid interior, but it does not. Our planet is a hollow shell and at its center is a luminous sun or anomaly. It is engineered wisely and economically so that both the outer convex surface and the inner concave surface can […] Read More

Chapter 40 – Scriptural Reference

SCRIPTURAL REFERENCES [The following are scriptorial passages to consider, which ‘might’ be interpreted as being supportive of some of the information within this file. All passages are from the KING JAMES Version of the Bible]:  Acts 2:19 “And I will show wonders in heaven ABOVE, and signs in the earth BENEATH; blood, and fire, and vapor of smoke.” Amos 9:3 “And though they hide themselves in the top of Carmel, I will search them out thence; and though they be […] Read More