California’s Underground K – N

California’s Underground K – N [google_map_easy id=”66″] Location: Kern River California Functions: saucer base Levels: Unknown Tunnels to: 29 Palms, California, Area 51, Nevada, Edwards AFB, California, and Mt. Shasta, California Notes:  the hollowed-out mountain next to the hydroelectric facility at the Kern River Project near Bakersfield Source:   Location: Kokoweef Peak California Functions: Unknown Levels: Unknown Tunnels to: Unknown Notes:  Gold in a huge cavern, blasted shut. Other sources speak of a “Kokoweef” river-system which is alleged to lie below Kokoweef […] Read More

1999: Operation Dungeon Storm

Operation Dungeon Storm” is a regular report based on years of personal research into the subject of underground anomalies. These reports may range anywhere from fact to fantasy, however, most of the accounts related here have at least some ‘suggested potential‘ of having been based in objective reality. We will leave the reader to determine for themselves just what implications this information might present on an individual and/or collective basis. – Alan ——-MASSIVE CAVERNS UNDER THE WESTERN ROCKIES!?Over the […] Read More


In The Under WorldWe learned that the males do not marry before they are from seventy-five to one hundred years old, and that the age at which women enter wedlock is only a little less, and that both men and women frequently live to be from six to eight hundred years old, and in some instances much older.18 18Josephus says: “God prolonged the life of the patriarchs that preceded the deluge, both on account of their virtues and to […] Read More


Pages 78-80 of Tim Beckley’s book, “THE SHAVER MYSTERY AND THE INNER EARTH”, also contains the following unusual story of an underground land beneath Oklahoma: “One of these ‘hills’ or ‘mounds’ have – according to yellowed newspaper clippings – been located near Binger, Oklahoma, by a newspaper reporter whose story was recently uncovered by Mrs. Cosette Willoughby of San Jose, California. She has spent a great deal of time investigating odd phenomena dealing with the Shaver Mystery. Unfortunately she […] Read More


Pages 61-62 of Timothy Green Beckley’s book, “THE SHAVER MYSTERY AND THE INNER EARTH”, carry the following interesting account: “Near McAlester, Oklahoma, is a cave that is reported to have large steps going down to an unknown  depth. The steps, from all information, are 18 inches high, 10 feet from side to side, and about a Yard broad. From what has been reported, the cave has been penetrated for about a mile without finding an end to the steps. […] Read More

1963: PRYING INTO THE UNKNOWN: Bishop, California

An article titled “PRYING INTO THE UNKNOWN”, which appeared in the April, 1963 issue of SEARCH magazine, contains an interesting account of a couple from California. The article was a monthly one written by Will Carson and Jeannie Joy. The following appears on page 22 of that issue:    “It has always been a mystery to us in the first place how Mr. and Mrs. P.E. can find and afford the time to do the sort of things most […] Read More


The following information can be found on page 277 of Bourke Lee’s book “DEATH VALLEY MEN”. This story of a strange tunnel was told after the men had been discussing a local Indian legend, similar in many details to the legend of Orpheus and Eurydice, from Greek mythology: “…”Now! About this tunnel,” said Bill, with his forehead wrapped in a frown. You said this Indian went through a tunnel into a strange country, didn’t you?”    “Yes,” I said. […] Read More


By RALPH B. FIELDS (The writer of this article presents it as a factual story; the editor’s present it as received. It is amazing!)  “In Beginning this narrative and the unexplainable events that befell my friend and myself, I offer no explanation, nor do I even profess to offer any reason. In fact, I have yet to find a clue that will, even in part, offer any explanation whatever. Yet as it did happen, there must be some rhyme […] Read More


Mount Shasta, in the northernmost part of California, has been a center of mystery for many students of ‘metaphysics’. The mountain is an extinct volcano and is the source of several Indian legends in the area. The following account can be found on pages 257-258 of “A DWELLER ON TWO PLANETS” by Phylos (the Tibetan).  A similar account can be found in “AN EARTH DWELLERS RETURN”, by the same:    “Beside a roaring, dashing mountain torrent, falling in myriad cascades […] Read More

A Guide to the Inner Earth: G

**** G ****   Gaddis, Vincent H.    — AMERICAN INDIAN MYTHS & MYSTERIES., Chilton Books., Radnor, PA 1977; Reprint by Signet Books., NY 1978; Thomas Nelson Sons, Ltd., Don Mills, Ont., Canada: Chapter – TUNNELS OF THE TITANS., pp. 47-57: Ancient tunnels and the Inner Earth.    — NOTES ON SUBTERRANEAN SHAFTS., Article in AMAZING STORIES magazine., Jan. 1949, pp. 148-151: Several reports of strange artificial shafts and tunnels that have been discovered throughout the world, which lead into the […] Read More