1963: PRYING INTO THE UNKNOWN: Bishop, California

An article titled “PRYING INTO THE UNKNOWN”, which appeared in the April, 1963 issue of SEARCH magazine, contains an interesting account of a couple from California. The article was a monthly one written by Will Carson and Jeannie Joy. The following appears on page 22 of that issue:    “It has always been a mystery to us in the first place how Mr. and Mrs. P.E. can find and afford the time to do the sort of things most […] Read More

Jesus | Crown of Thorns

Chapter 38 – Conclusion and Philadephia Pase III

COUNTDOWN TO THE 1997 NORTHERN SHOWDOWN And from an article titled “TOP-SECRET NEW WORLD ORDER PLAN“, from the same publication: “…Television commentator Bill Moyers found out during a fifteen-day, globe-spanning trip in the company of David Rockefeller that just about a dozen or fifteen individuals made day-to-day decisions that regulated the flow of capital and goods throughout the entire world.” He quotes Bill Moyers himself as saying: “David Rockefeller is the most conspicuous representative today of the ruling class: […] Read More

The Dulce Papers – Chapter 7a – A DULCE VANGUARD AT DEEP SPRINGS?

It has been fairly well established that the Dulce, New Mexico network is the largest and most significant alien [Reptiloid/Gray] base network in North America. However, according to one source, there is also another ‘nest‘ near Deep Springs, California. This [Dulce-connected?] base — because of its proximity — may pose an even greater threat to the humanoid residents of the ‘subterranean network‘ who have major city-complexes below California: Mt. Shasta, Panamint Mountains, 29 Palms area, etc.   These colonies […] Read More