Strange Cave at the Table Mountains

In his book THE MAJIC PRESENCE, G.W. Ballard describes a strange experience which occurred to him and some companions while exploring a cave in Wyoming. While visiting Colorado he met a Mr. Daniel Rayborn. From there they traveled to the ‘Diamond K Ranch’ in Wyoming, one of the Rayborn mining properties, where the experiences described in the book began. There, he met Rayborn’s son Rex, an his daughter Nada. Some days later, they planned to spend the day exploring […] Read More

1946: AMAZING STORIES: Legend of Quinmas Valley

The December, 1946 issue of AMAZING STORIES magazine, on pages 24-25, carries the following story, titled ‘LEGEND OF QUINMAS VALLEY’.  The story was told by a man – an explorer – by the name of Rex Du Howard:      “…The storm had become quite bad, and Chatham Sound was no place for small craft such as ours, so we  put about and into a nearby harbor. Farther cruising into Alaska waters would be held up till the storm abated. […] Read More

1952: Strange Desert Ice Cave

FATE magazine, in its June, 1952 issue, carried the following story by Lester F. Nieman on pages 84-85 titled “Strange Desert Ice Cave”:    “The state of Oregon is noted for its scenic beauty. The well-stocked lakes and beautiful parks make it a vacationers’ paradise. One of the strangest spots in the state is the Arnold Ice Cave.    “This natural oddity, only 27 miles southeast of the thriving city of Bend, receives little publicity and many long-time residents […] Read More

Buck Hill Caverns, Virginia

Warren‘ Smith’s book “INTO THE STRANGE”, pages 70-71, carries the following unusual story. The cavern in question WAS commercialized in 1978 and is located not far from Lexington, Virginia:  A few miles from the tiny town of Bell’s Cove, deep in the rugged mountains of Virginia, is an unexplored underground wonderland in the little-known Buck Hill caverns. While the nearby Natural Bridge is visited each year by several hundred thousand vacationers, the cave has not been opened as a […] Read More


Fred W. Allsopp’s book “FOLKLORE OF ROMANTIC ARKANSAS”, contains the following interesting legend., on pp. 156-158:    “The famous Diamond cave, one of the wonders of Arkansas, is located in the Boston mountains, three miles southwest of Jasper, Newton County. Its interior has been explored and surveyed for only three miles, but it is supposed to extend into the mountain for more than 21 miles. A dazzling panorama of magnificent stalactites and stalagmites, as well as other natural phenomena, holds […] Read More


By RALPH B. FIELDS (The writer of this article presents it as a factual story; the editor’s present it as received. It is amazing!)  “In Beginning this narrative and the unexplainable events that befell my friend and myself, I offer no explanation, nor do I even profess to offer any reason. In fact, I have yet to find a clue that will, even in part, offer any explanation whatever. Yet as it did happen, there must be some rhyme […] Read More

1948: AMAZING STORIES: Burley, Idaho Underground Revisited

The next letter appeared later on pages 164-165 of the January, 1948 issue of AMAZING STORIES:    Sirs: If you file your correspondence, you will find a letter there from this writer which was written in the early part of this year, advising you of reading my first AMAZING STORIES magazine and of my interest in the mystery of the caves, especially the articles by Mr. Shaver. I haven’t missed a copy of A. S. since then and interest […] Read More

A Guide to the Inner Earth: J

**** J ****   James, Harry C. – PAGES FROM HOPI HISTORY., Chapt. 6 includes a photograph of a strange mound believed by some Hopi elders to be the Sipapu entrance to the Hopi underworld. (Also see: Courlander, Harold)   Jamison, Prof. William – HOLLOW WORLDS., Prof. Jamison was a former geology professor at the University of California. (Also see: Borino, Bob)   Jennings, Hargrave – THE ROSICRUCIANS; THEIR RITES AND MYSTERIES., John C. Nimmo Co., London., 1887. Chapt. […] Read More

Known Caves Directory

Known Caves Directory            Alabama | Arizona | Arkansas | California | Colorado | Florida | Hawaii | Idaho | Indiana | Iowa | Kentucky | Minnesota | Missouri | New Hampshire | New Mexico | New York | Ohio | Oregon | Pennsylvania | South Dakota | Tennessee | Texas | Virginia | West Virginia | Wisconsin | Bermuda |  Alabama     Cathedral Caverns State Park637 Cave Road Woodville, AL 35776 (256) 728-8193 […] Read More