1999: Operation Dungeon Storm

Operation Dungeon Storm” is a regular report based on years of personal research into the subject of underground anomalies. These reports may range anywhere from fact to fantasy, however, most of the accounts related here have at least some ‘suggested potential‘ of having been based in objective reality. We will leave the reader to determine for themselves just what implications this information might present on an individual and/or collective basis. – Alan ——-MASSIVE CAVERNS UNDER THE WESTERN ROCKIES!?Over the […] Read More

1995: MindNet Journal – Vol. 1, No. 7

=============================================================== MindNet Journal – Vol. 1, No. 7 Notes:Permission is given to reproduce and redistribute, for non-commercial purposes only, provided this information and the copy remain intact and unedited. The views, and opinions, expressed below are not necessarily the views and opinions of VERICOMM, MindNet, or the editor, unless otherwise noted. Editor: Mike Coyle Contributing Editors: Walter Bowart; Harlan Girard Assistant Editor: Rick Lawler =============================================================== 8-21-95 A.P.F.N. 3230 E. Flamingo Rd. #352 Las Vegas, NV 89121 APFN a/k/a Kenneth L. […] Read More

Project Superman 8a

The cement which held the other railings in place matched the white cement perfectly. I go back to the damaged railing and look down. The cement holding that one in place is not even close IT IS GRAY. I put my finger to it. It’s dry and hard but very gray and looks too new (it had sort of a gloss to it). I go back to the marble block, again I see nothing. I put my hand to […] Read More


THE SECRETS OF THE MOJAVE (Or, The Conspiracy Against Reality) Page # 7a [7th edition] Compiled by ‘The Group’ — Edited by ‘Branton’ Re-Edited 02,02,2020 for grammar and spelling – ‘Think’ “During the Third Reich even ‘the party liners‘ who lived around ‘the death camps‘ were reluctant to believe that ‘their government‘ could commit such horrendous crimes as were discovered after the invasion of Germany. Yet, although they heard faint screams in the far distance and cries for help […] Read More


THE SECRETS OF THE MOJAVE (Or, The Conspiracy Against Reality) Page # 4a [7th edition] Compiled by ‘The Group’ — Edited by ‘Branton’ Re-Edited 02,02,2020 for grammar and spelling – ‘Think’ “The United States had developed, used, and was the only nation on earth in possession of the atomic bomb. This new weapon had the potential to destroy an enemy, and even the Earth itself. At that time the United States had the best economy, the most advanced technology, […] Read More

Chapter 39 – Prologue

Although this file has dealt mainly with Nazism, we should not forget the evils perpetrated by so-called ‘communism‘ in Russia, China, Southeast Asia and elsewhere. Many sources agree that during the course of the ‘Cold War’, Communism was responsible for over 200 million human deaths. Nazism was directly or indirectly responsible for the over 50 million deaths resulting from World War II, and an unknown number of deaths in third world countries as a result of underground covert warfare […] Read More

Chapter 28 – Mind Control Projects out of Atlantic

The writers of this document did not originate the above material but are simply passing this information along to you to do with what you feel is necessary. We have no way of knowing that these things will happen [we hope and pray they do not], but if any of the above should occur, you can rest assured the balance of this evil scenario will follow. Their two main immediate goals are to DISARM American citizens and SUSPEND our […] Read More

Chapter 14 – The Coming Chaos

The plan is to unleash elemental forces of chaos that transcend government philosophy. The primitive mandate for political/social structure seems to be the protection of the person from crime and disease, protection of property, a system of justice to enforce those protections, and organization for economic gain. All these refinements we’ve developed – democracy, fascism, communism, monarchy – come after the primitive mandates have been met. The theory is that if you remove enough of those basic protections the […] Read More

Chapter 11 – The Group’s Operations since WW II

When their man, Hitler, went out of control they drugged him into oblivion and implemented the death camp ‘model‘ under Bormann. Early in W.W.II, there was a conference hosted by King George in the English countryside at which representatives from all walks of life from all over agreed on a plan to undermine and overthrow the US and Russian states. Representatives of all the monarchies mentioned above attended. At the end of W.W.II, GEN. GEHLEN ran two operations in […] Read More

Covert War

Chapter 8 – The Covert War

A covert war has been waged against the people of this country and other countries for over 50 years. Some casualties of that war are people whose deaths are already suspect, but no one can quite put their finger on the real motive. John F. Kennedy, Bobby Kennedy, Martin Luther King. JFK by 4 marksmen, of which 2-3 actually got off shots, one of whom was a well-known French contract assassin headquartered in Madrid. (Note: these assassins would most […] Read More