Strange Cave at the Table Mountains

In his book THE MAJIC PRESENCE, G.W. Ballard describes a strange experience which occurred to him and some companions while exploring a cave in Wyoming. While visiting Colorado he met a Mr. Daniel Rayborn. From there they traveled to the ‘Diamond K Ranch’ in Wyoming, one of the Rayborn mining properties, where the experiences described in the book began. There, he met Rayborn’s son Rex, an his daughter Nada. Some days later, they planned to spend the day exploring […] Read More


Pages 61-62 of Timothy Green Beckley’s book, “THE SHAVER MYSTERY AND THE INNER EARTH”, carry the following interesting account: “Near McAlester, Oklahoma, is a cave that is reported to have large steps going down to an unknown  depth. The steps, from all information, are 18 inches high, 10 feet from side to side, and about a Yard broad. From what has been reported, the cave has been penetrated for about a mile without finding an end to the steps. […] Read More


The Jicarilla Apache Indians are somewhat divided as to the exact place from which their ancestors are alleged to have emerged from the subterranean world. Pages 26, 57, and 163-164 of Morris E. Opler‘s book “MYTHS AND TALES OF THE JICARILLA APACHE INDIANS” gives the information that some of the Apache’s believe their place of emergence to be somewhere west of Flint Mountain, which is west of Abiquiu, New Mexico. Others place it north of Durango Colorado; near Alamosa; or […] Read More


The Hopi Indians are a group of native Americans living on a reservation in northern Arizona. The word “Hopi” means “Peaceful”. This extraordinary group of ‘Indians’ (native Americans) have resisted all pressures to conform to the White mans way. Their traditions and legends are very colorful and detailed, especially the story of their emergence upon the surface of the earth… Long ago, they say, their ancestors lived in an underground world. After millennia’s of such living conditions and after […] Read More

Project Superman 3a

May-1987- Track season junior year, at one of the major relay meets, it was announced the prior week that there was going to be a “clean and jerk weightlifting contest” sponsored by some guy I had never heard of. I, of course, was all excited and trained that week on my technique. As it turns out all it was, was a guy with some rubber mats and an Olympic barbell set in the middle of a grass field. I […] Read More

Colorado’s Underground

Colorado’s Underground [google_map_easy id=”64″] Location: Alamosa Colorado 37° 28.1′ N 105°52.2’W W Functions: saucer base Levels: Unknown Tunnels to: Unknown Notes:   Source:   Location: Blanca Peak Colorado Functions: Unknown Levels: Unknown Tunnels to: Unknown Notes:  Mt. Blanca [Massif] is located in the mysterious San Luis Valley of Colorado, which has been a “hot spot” for UFO sightings and animal mutilations. Also, Southwestern tribes have legends involving caverns below the Mt. Blanca, San Luis Lakes, and Great Sand Dunes National Monument region, through […] Read More

1996: Dhyana Markley Speaks about the Inner Earth

By Chyrene Pendleton In 1996, I attended an excellent lecture at the Colorado UFO Society by Dhyana Markley about her Inner Earth experiences. She recounted that, about 10 years earlier, as she planned a move to Oahu, Hawaii, she encountered two friends, both spiritual masters, at a seminar. When she told them of her intentions, each asked her separately if she was aware of a great, ancient tunnel that extended from Sedona, Arizona to Kauai, Hawaii.  Once in Hawaii, […] Read More

2011: Disclosure Imminent? Two Underground NWO Bases Destroyed

Wednesday, September 21, 2011 3:08 Written by David Wilcock 80 different countries have now formed an alliance against the Old World Order / Nazi-esque cabal. Two huge underground cities were destroyed on August 23rd — which may be seen by historians as the critical moment in which the war was won. [UPDATED next morning 9:32 am. Credible insider source confirms these accounts and adds new information! Please link to this article but do not re-post it, as it is […] Read More

1994: Underground Bases

This subject is rather “touchy” for a lot of reasons.   The first time I was exposed to it, I rejected it outright as being pure “poppycock.” However, as I began to research in many other areas, particularly historical, I found that there are many things that not only tend to confirm this idea, but are explainable only in these terms. The historical work will be included in the “Grail Quest” series which is currently in process, so be […] Read More

The Dulce Papers – Chapter 24 – THE DULCE NETWORK — NORTH SECTOR?

The following account was received by Bill Cooper from a ‘friend‘, and appeared under the title “Robert’s Story“. Compare this report with other accounts concerning Dulce-base extensions in northeast Arizona, southeast Utah, and southwest Colorado [Four Corners Area] where “dissident scientists” are reportedly being held captive: Robert _____ ______, a young man in his early 20’s came to work at my shop as temporary help during the 2nd week of October 1986. On the first day at work, he […] Read More