Project Superman 3a

May-1987- Track season junior year, at one of the major relay meets, it was announced the prior week that there was going to be a “clean and jerk weightlifting contest” sponsored by some guy I had never heard of. I, of course, was all excited and trained that week on my technique. As it turns out all it was, was a guy with some rubber mats and an Olympic barbell set in the middle of a grass field. I […] Read More

1998: The Dulce, New Mexico base.

The most notorious of all military bases. But, it should be labelled as a Military Black Operations base. This base is staffed by both military and alien beings. Hard to imagine, that aliens work hand in hand in this base with military human beings. Such are the reports that have come out by ex-military personal that worked in Dulce. The alleged reports are very numerous. To numerous to deny the reality of this so called chamber of horrors. I […] Read More

1998: Brad Smith on Paul Bennewitz and Dulce

Brad Smith on Paul Bennewitz and Dulce   From: Brad Smith   Date: Mon, 26 Jan 1998 19:47:51 -0800   I spoke to Paul twice in extended conversations in 1988-89. I called Thunder Scientific. He was spacey but understandable. He was a pilot. His business took him from Albuquerque to Denver frequently. He told me he had taken some photos out of the plane on several different trips on his way over the Archuleta Mesa. These pictures showed saucer […] Read More