Florida’s Underground

Florida‘s Underground [google_map_easy id=”63″] Location: Eglin AFB Florida Functions: Orion saucer base since 1978 Levels: Unknown Tunnels to: Unknown Notes:   Source:   Location: Lakeland Florida Functions: Unknown Levels: Unknown Tunnels to: Unknown Notes:  Entrances near the power plant and the phosphate mines.  Source:   Location: Mayport Florida Functions: Unknown Levels: Unknown Tunnels to: Unknown Notes:  underwater entrance for USOs Source:  godlike productions Location: Miami Florida Functions: Unknown Levels: Unknown Tunnels to: Unknown Notes:  Underground genetics-breeding facility with several mature and young girls being held captive by grey […] Read More

1994: Underground Bases

This subject is rather “touchy” for a lot of reasons.   The first time I was exposed to it, I rejected it outright as being pure “poppycock.” However, as I began to research in many other areas, particularly historical, I found that there are many things that not only tend to confirm this idea, but are explainable only in these terms. The historical work will be included in the “Grail Quest” series which is currently in process, so be […] Read More

The Underground Empire 4

 We continue now with the interview with ‘Sharula’:   “INSIGHTS: Earlier, you mentioned… you had to petition the Aghartha, the ones in charge of the inner earth cities. Are there other cities in existence?”   “SHARULA: Oh, yes. There are many. There are over one hundred inner earth cities. Some of them are very similar…”   “INSIGHTS: How does one travel from city to city or from surface to inner city?”   “SHARULA: Probably the most common method is […] Read More

Canada's Open Door Policy

Chapter 36 – The Final Invasion of the U.S.??

The following information was released in January 1997 by Dr. Al Overholt. Titled, “THE FINAL INVASION OF THE U.S.??“, the document reads: From the INTERNET, 12/96 [quoting:]The following, about a possible planned ‘invasion‘ of the U.S., is, I know, the sort of alarmist thing one hears from time to time. Yet it ties in with other events that make it not readily dismissible.(1) U.S. forces sent to Bosnia, not here in the USA to protect us. (2) U.S. forces […] Read More

The Dulce Papers – Chapter 31a – CONFESSIONS OF AN FBI “X-FILE” AGENT

The following is from a secret report released by an FBI special agent code-named JORDON, who has been involved with the intrigues taking place near Dulce, New Mexico and Area 51 [Dreamland] Nevada. Among his fellow colleagues within the FBI, Jordon was often referred to as “The X-File Man“. ‘Jordon‘ claims to be an abductee whose birth in 1962 was genetically engineered by “tall greys” that had apparently altered the genetic codes within the ovum of his human mother […] Read More