A Guide to the Inner Earth: P

**** P ****   Paget, Walburga L. – COLLOQUIES WITH AN UNSEEN FRIEND., William Rider & Son., London., 1909., p. 36: Buried Cities beneath the ‘Great Desert‘ where descendants of Atlantis allegedly live to this day, along with prehistoric flora & fauna, a land which will be discovered by surface dwellers in the 21st century according to prophecy, when the “airships and Rontgen rays are made practically useful for exploration purposes.”   Painter, Roger – THE BROWN MOUNTAIN LIGHTS., […] Read More

The Subterranean Origin of the Flying Saucers

Below is an excerpt from the seventh chapter of The Hollow Earth, first published in 1969, by Dr. Raymond Bernard, which is said to be a pen name. The conception of a hollow earth presented in this book offers the most reasonable theory of the origin of the flying saucers and is far more logical than the belief in their interplanetary origin. For this reason, leading flying saucer experts, as Ray Palmer, editor of “Flying Saucers” magazine, and Gray […] Read More

1995: An Introduction to The Hollow Earth

by Dennis Crenshaw Is the Earth Hollow? This intriguing question has attracted the attention of free thinkers, scientists and a wide assortment of crackpots back through the ages.   The most ancient of stories of modern mankind can be found written on the clay tablets of Mesopotamia. Two, “Gilgamesh” (Table XII) and “The Descent of Ishtar to the Underworld”, are about adventures among different kinds of creatures inside the earth.   1 Plato wrote of enormous subterranean tunnels both […] Read More

THE HOLLOW EARTH – In The Inner Earth

By Dennis Crenshaw Please visit Dennis Crenshaw’s web-site at http://www.thehollowearthinsider.com/ This intriguing question has attracted the attention of free thinkers, scientists and a wide assortment of crackpots back through the ages. Plato wrote of enormous subterranean tunnels both broad and narrow that made up the earth’s interior. Dr. Edmond Halley, of comet fame, believed that all heavenly bodies were hollow and in a speech before the members of the Royal Society of London stated “Beneath the crust of the […] Read More

The Dulce Papers – Introduction

Introduction NOTE: I must confess that I have thought very long and hard about the possibility of publishing this text in book format in order to relieve the financial burden upon myself that has resulted from a lifetime of mental and emotional suffering due to my own personal involvement with the ‘enigma‘. Angry at the personal loss, I justified to myself that if I can make a profit by selling the innermost secrets of those hidden and insidious powers […] Read More