German Underground

The Germans honey combed places for defense and other things. I am sure many are still in existance- This is just one example- a tour through a Military Museum that few people know exists, because it is located in a tiny hamlet on the French border. A good thing to know if you need to get underground fast, but bring your own food. Related articles The Germans grasping at the Antarctic Welcome to Think AboutIt! The ‘Mona Lisa’ Just […] Read More

Project Superman 1a

PROJECT SUPERMAN 1 Introduction: [Memories are a strange thing, there are tangible memories that can be proven factually, there are suppressed memories which are clouded recollections of actual events, memories that are a mixture of real and unreal events, memories based on imagination and possibly most frightening of all, memories that have been intentionally “programmed” within the mind of a person, which might consist of anything between actual real life experiences to entirely “designer” memories that may have been […] Read More

Germany’s Underground

Germany’s Underground [google_map_easy id=”36″] Location: Alsace-Lorraine Mountains Germany Functions: Unknown Levels: Unknown Tunnels to: Unknown Notes:   Source: Location: Idar Oberstein Germany Functions: Unknown Levels: Unknown Tunnels to: Unknown Notes:  Mrs. K.S. in her younger years encountered a lizard man and two grays in a cave near Idar Oberstein and “Baumholder”.  1975 Age 19, Idar Oberstein, West Germany; my then-husband and two of our friends had gone on a picnic in a meadow near where my husband was stationed in Baumholder, West Germany. Suddenly […] Read More

The Pied Piper of Hamelin

Once upon a time … on the banks of a great river in the north of Germany lay a town called Hamelin. The citizens of Hamelin were honest folk who lived contentedly in their grey stone houses. The years went by, and the town grew very rich. Then one day, an extraordinary thing happened to disturb the peace. Hamelin had always had rats, and a lot too. But they had never been a danger, for the cats had always […] Read More

Inside the Military UFO Underground

 By A.J.S. Rayl   In 1969, Project Blue Book–the 16-year U.S. Air Force investigation of UFOs–came to an end, and so did the government’s interest in extraterrestrial flying discs. Or so the American public has been told. In recent years, numerous individuals and documents from various agencies have emerged from behind the veil of government secrecy to tell a different story.   Their spin: that while the government officially abandoned all interest in UFOs, a secret military underground was […] Read More

Alien Facility

ALIEN FACILITY THE FOLLOWING .DOC IS A CONGLOMERATION OF VARIOUS TEXT FILES, SOME CLASSIFIED TOP SECRET BY US INTELLIGENCE, OTHERS BY US PILOTS, SOLDIERS ETC, WHICH WERE CONFISCATED AS A THREAT TO NATIONAL SECURITY, AND THEN THEIR EXISTANCE DENIED. NEVADA US-ALIEN FACILITY BRIEF   After several years of research, various people have unearthed the high possibility of EBE base areas in the Nevada area. Observations from many individuals, some of whom have been threatened by various parties, have led […] Read More

Canada's Open Door Policy

Chapter 36 – The Final Invasion of the U.S.??

The following information was released in January 1997 by Dr. Al Overholt. Titled, “THE FINAL INVASION OF THE U.S.??“, the document reads: From the INTERNET, 12/96 [quoting:]The following, about a possible planned ‘invasion‘ of the U.S., is, I know, the sort of alarmist thing one hears from time to time. Yet it ties in with other events that make it not readily dismissible.(1) U.S. forces sent to Bosnia, not here in the USA to protect us. (2) U.S. forces […] Read More

Standard Oil Logo

Chapter 29 – Population Control, NAZIs & The U.N.

 — by Anton Chaitkin ROCKEFELLER AND MASS MURDER The ROCKEFELLER Foundation is the PRIME SPONSOR of public relations for the UNITED NATION‘S drastic depopulation program, which the world is invited to accept at the UN’s scheduled September conference in Cairo, Egypt. Evidence in the possession of a growing number of researchers in America, England, and Germany demonstrates that the Foundation and its CORPORATE, MEDICAL, and POLITICAL associates organized the racial MASS MURDER program of NAZI GERMANY. These globalists, who […] Read More

Chapter 26 – Sam Russell’s ‘Open Mind Forum’ program

More information on the Nazi Antarctic efforts and their attempts to impose a global dictatorship comes from Bulgarian physicist Vladimir Terziski. The following interview between Talk Show host Sam Russell and Terziski took place between 8-10 P.M., June 5th, 1993 on Sam Russell’s ‘OPEN MIND FORUM‘ program, KTKK [K-TALK] Radio in Salt Lake City, Utah. We will quote only those portions of the extensive conversation which tie-in directly with the subject at hand (Note: Some of the spellings of […] Read More

Chapter 25 – Germans Economic MIRACLE

For more information on how the “economic miracle” was accomplished after the war by the Germans, you can read such books as “Martin Bormann, Nazi in Exile” by Paul Manning. [ “…Bormann became the guiding force in the ‘economic miracle’ that led to the rebirth of the German industry and finance in the thirty-five years following the political and military defeat. In the waning months of World War II, as the Third Reich was tottering and finally crumbling in […] Read More