2012: D.U.M.B.

H.W.M. McKinlay The United States Government have been building Deep Underground Military Bases (D.U.M.B.) day and night, since before the 1940’s, with laser drills which can bore a seven mile tunnel in one day. There are presently at least one hundred and thirty such facilities, including Area 51 in Nevada and Dulce, New Mexico which are inter-connected by high-speed, magneto-leviton trains, with speeds of up to Mach Two. They are whole cities underground. Mount Weather is the seat of […] Read More

Project Redbook: A

PROJECT REDBOOK: A “Have respect unto the covenant: for the dark places of the earth are full of the habitations of cruelty.” PSALMS 74:20 ANTARCTICA – An ancient hi-tech “city” nicknamed “Rainbow City” was reportedly discovered by a small group of American researchers in the late 1940s. Reportedly an on-site staff of 2000 was later stationed there to study the ancient mechanical devices, the operation of time-space portals, holographic records, and an ancient underground ‘rail‘ system with Rainbow City […] Read More

Chapter 2 – The Beginning

THE BEGINNING   “…Another figure has an EVIL face… ‘HE LOOKS LIKE A GERMAN NAZI. HE’S A NAZI… HIS EYES! HIS EYES. I’VE NEVER SEEN EYES LIKE THAT BEFORE!!!”   The above quote was made under regressive hypnosis by one of the first publicized ‘UFO abductees’, Barney Hill who — along with his wife Betty — claimed to have been abducted by grey-skinned entities from a spacecraft which apparently originated from the Zeta II Reticuli star system. The Grey alien abductors […] Read More