1963: The Cave of the Ancients – Summary

From the fantastic book from T. LOBSANG RAMPA – (some words are translated to norwegian and there may be some wordmistakes here because this is scanned from the book) In this extract Lobsangs guide first tell him about the roots of Christianity and the western peoples opinion on sex – and how the early Christian priests decided that sex was unclean. Again remember that this happened almost 100 years ago – but the wisdom here is timeless. We read […] Read More

Tibet’s Underground

Tibet’s Underground [google_map_easy id=”18″] Location: Himalayan Mountains Tibet Functions: Unknown Levels: Unknown Tunnels to: Unknown Notes:  The entrance to the underground City of Shonshe is guarded by the Hindu monks. Source:   Location: Lake Manasarovar Tibet Functions: Unknown Levels: Unknown Tunnels to: Unknown Notes:  Huge underground facilities under mountains surrounding the lake, maintained by the Nagas, reptilian humanoids with little regard for human life and possessing space travel technology.  Source:  ON THE SHORES OF ENDLESS WORLDS, by Andrew Tomas Location: San Po Valley Tibet Functions: Unknown […] Read More