No Guns Allowed

Chapter 27 – Civil War is about to begin

ATTENTION: CIVIL WAR IS ABOUT TO BEGIN IN THE UNITED STATES! YOU AND YOUR LOVED ONES ARE IN ACUTE DANGER! RACE RIOTS AND SLAUGHTER OF AMERICANS WILL BE THE FIRST SIGN! THIS IS NO JOKE! On July 4, 1992, at a UFO convention in Arcadia, CA, Mr. Michael Younger, a member of the super-secret COM-12 group and a scientist who worked at Groom Lake, Area 51 in Nevada, stunned the audience of over 200 people with the following incredible […] Read More

Chapter 2 – The Beginning

THE BEGINNING   “…Another figure has an EVIL face… ‘HE LOOKS LIKE A GERMAN NAZI. HE’S A NAZI… HIS EYES! HIS EYES. I’VE NEVER SEEN EYES LIKE THAT BEFORE!!!”   The above quote was made under regressive hypnosis by one of the first publicized ‘UFO abductees’, Barney Hill who — along with his wife Betty — claimed to have been abducted by grey-skinned entities from a spacecraft which apparently originated from the Zeta II Reticuli star system. The Grey alien abductors […] Read More