UFO Up Date: Info? On ‘Branton’

Dear ; I am an abductee who has experienced suppressed encounters with grays and humans throughout an underground system that spans the western base of the Wasatch-Rocky mountains in Utah. I’ve had “altered state” contacts with the humans who live within the underground system, those who I refer to as the “Melchizedeks“. These are members of a metaphysical lodge with connections to the deep initiatory levels of Mormonism, Masonry, the Mt. Shasta/Agharti network, Mayans, Sirius, Arcturus, Saturn, etc. They […] Read More

1989: Underground Bases — “Billy Goodman Happening”

(Radio Show, Las Vegas, 11/89)   This page contains a transcript of a radio show called the “Billy Goodman Happening” that was aired in Las Vegas, in November of 1989. It deals with information about Underground Bases in Nevada. We obtained a copy of this through the mailing list organized by Francisco Lopez, who is searching the airwaves for key information about UFOs, that found it posted by Steve Wingate, who also has been sharing information about UFO through […] Read More