1882: Except from Black Range Tales

The following is a story which appeared on pages 222-242 of “BLACK RANGE TALES”, by James A. McKenna. Due to its length I will quote only those parts of the story relevant to the subject-matter of this manuscript… “…In the forepart of the year of 1882, I left Lake Valley where I had been prospecting, and headed for Eureka, a recent discovery in the Hachita Mountains, which lies in the southwestern part of Grand County in the border country of New […] Read More

1948: AMAZING STORIES: Texas – New Mexico

The following paragraph can be found on pages 11-12 of Ira A. Cole’s book “THE GOLDEN ANTELOPE”:    “…Then there was the story stone Calf told me of the great caves somewhere on the Staked Plains of southwest Texas or southeastern New Mexico where the buffalo annually come out of the underworld in countless numbers to take up their trek to the north. Stone Calf never visited the great opening in the earth but had talked with Indians who […] Read More

1947: AMAZING STORIES: California Cave

The following letter was published in the March, 1947 issue of AMAZING STORIES magazine and can be found on pages 171-173 of that issue:    “…The writer is presently a writer for the Washington Times Harold, is a former World War II combat infantry officer and a holder of the Distinguished Service Cross.    “I can be checked upon at my paper or better, simply contacted there by your Washington office. I vouch for the following and will be […] Read More

A Guide to the Inner Earth: G

**** G ****   Gaddis, Vincent H.    — AMERICAN INDIAN MYTHS & MYSTERIES., Chilton Books., Radnor, PA 1977; Reprint by Signet Books., NY 1978; Thomas Nelson Sons, Ltd., Don Mills, Ont., Canada: Chapter – TUNNELS OF THE TITANS., pp. 47-57: Ancient tunnels and the Inner Earth.    — NOTES ON SUBTERRANEAN SHAFTS., Article in AMAZING STORIES magazine., Jan. 1949, pp. 148-151: Several reports of strange artificial shafts and tunnels that have been discovered throughout the world, which lead into the […] Read More

Mexico’s Underground

Mexico’s Underground [google_map_easy id=”27″] Location: The Liyobaa Cave Entrance Mexico Functions: Unknown Levels: Unknown Tunnels to: Unknown Notes:  This was sealed off by Catholic Priests who believed it to be an entrance to “Hell.” “The village of ‘Liyobaa’ or to translate, ‘The Cavern of Death,‘ was located in the province of Zapotec, somewhere near the ancient village of ‘Mictlan‘ or the village of the ‘Underworld. “The Cavern of Death was actually located in the last chamber of an eight chamber building […] Read More

Apache Underground!

Below, the reader will find two short excerpts from the book Lost Cities of North America, by David Hatcher Childress. At the very bottom, there is a very interesting conclusion or two. Page 308, Excerpt: Stories of tunnels abound in Peru and other areas of South America. Many researchers believe that these tunnels run for hundreds of miles through the mountains, as far south as Chile, as far north as Ecuador or Columbia, as far to the east as […] Read More