The following are highlights paraphrased from Michael Ash’s MONTAUK SURVIVORS tape series: –Mach-12 Maglev trains connect all Montauk sister bases around North America –There were experiments at Montauk involving the duplication of an animal or object by recording its electromagnetic signature and rebroadcasting it via the sage radar so that the duplicate is materialized from the aether. Other non-duplicated thought forms were also produced by Duncan Cameron, for instance, like the ‘beast‘ known as ‘junior‘, a thought form being […] Read More

1991: Underground Cities of Mars – Article

Source: The Sovereign Scribe   The interview provided courtesy of QUANTUM COMMUNICATIONS. Interview with Al Bielek 1991 Al Bielek, noted lecturer on the famous “Philadelphia Experiment” and the time travel/mind control experiments of the “Montauk Project,” recently spoke with The Scribe interview team in Yelm. Bielek gave an update on the current use of mind control and psychic warfare, and also offered a more detailed account of his experience in the Montauk Project. Montauk, also known as the […] Read More

Project Superman 1a

PROJECT SUPERMAN 1 Introduction: [Memories are a strange thing, there are tangible memories that can be proven factually, there are suppressed memories which are clouded recollections of actual events, memories that are a mixture of real and unreal events, memories based on imagination and possibly most frightening of all, memories that have been intentionally “programmed” within the mind of a person, which might consist of anything between actual real life experiences to entirely “designer” memories that may have been […] Read More

Interview with Alex Christopher

Extract from Leading Edge International Research Journal #92 The KSEO 4/26/96 Interview with Alex Christopher Author of Pandora’s Box and Pandora’s Box II Transcript 6/1/96 by Leading Edge Research Group Legend: DA (Dave Alan, Host) AC: Alex Christopher C: Caller Keywords: .   DA: My special guest tonight is Alex Christopher, author of Pandora’s Box, an expose of the British instigation through Washington D.C. over the last 200 years. You thought you were free? This stuff has been […] Read More

1995: THE SECRETS OF THE MOJAVE — Introduction

THE SECRETS OF THE MOJAVE (Or, The Conspiracy Against Reality) — Page #1a [7th edition] Compiled by ‘The Group’ — Edited by ‘Branton’ Re-Edited 02,02,2020 for grammar and spelling – ‘Think’ ————————————————————- Information received from an Anonymous Source ( September 1995) As most of you know, we have tried to share in our Web Site the best information we can that depicts a transformation to our world and the factors that are leading up to this transformation. Our site […] Read More