What is Mount Weather’s Ultimate Purpose?

We have seen that Mount Weather contains an unelected, parallel “government-in-waiting” ready to take control of the United States upon word from the President or his successor. The facility contains a massive database of information on U.S. citizens which is operated with no safeguards or accountability. Ostensibly, this expensive hub of America’s network of sub-terran bases was designed to preserve our form of government during a nuclear holocaust. But Mount Weather is not simply a Cold War holdover. Information […] Read More

What Do They Do At Mount Weather?

1) Collect Data on American Citizens The Senate Subcommittee in 1975 learned that the “facility held dossiers on at least 100,000 Americans. [Senator] John Tunney later alleged that the Mount Weather computers can obtain millions of pieces of additional information on the personal lives of American citizens simply by tapping the data stored at any of the other ninety-six Federal Relocation Centers.” The subcommittee concluded that Mount Weather’s databases “operate with few, if any, safeguards or guidelines.”   2) […] Read More