Chapter 25 – Germans Economic MIRACLE

For more information on how the “economic miracle” was accomplished after the war by the Germans, you can read such books as “Martin Bormann, Nazi in Exile” by Paul Manning. [ “…Bormann became the guiding force in the ‘economic miracle’ that led to the rebirth of the German industry and finance in the thirty-five years following the political and military defeat. In the waning months of World War II, as the Third Reich was tottering and finally crumbling in […] Read More


Chapter 19 – Polar Defenses

One thing that Admiral Byrd stated in a press conference after his defeat at Antarctica was that the Antarctic continent should be surrounded by a “wall of defense installations since it represented the last line of defense for America.” Although the U.S. and Russia had been allies during the war, suddenly the “Iron Curtain” was created and we and the Russians became ‘enemies’. (Note: Some say that the animosity of the Cold War directly following WWII was only an […] Read More


Chapter 18 – Hitler Escaped!

I remember hearing, in the 1950s, rumors that Hitler had escaped to a secret Nazi base at the South Pole. In 1952, Dwight D. Eisenhower said: “We have been unable to unearth one bit of tangible evidence of Hitler’s death. Many people believe that Hitler escaped from Berlin.“When President Truman asked Joseph Stalin at the Potsdam conference in 1945 whether or not Hitler was dead, Stalin replied bluntly, ‘No.‘ Stalin’s top army officer, Marshall Gregory Zhukov, whose troops were […] Read More

German WWII Disk

Chapter 17 – Admiral Byrd and Operation Highjump

…In 1947, Admiral Richard E. Byrd led 4,000 military troops from the U.S., Britain, and Australia in an invasion of Antarctica [Operation Highjump and follow-up], but encountered heavy resistance from Nazi “flying saucers” and had to call off the invasion. A Rear-Admiral who was in that invasion has retired in Texas and said he was shocked when he read the “Fire From The Sky” material. He knew there were a lot of aircraft and rocket shoot-downs but did not […] Read More

Chapter 15 – My Accidental discovery of the group in the mid-1980s: Mind Control Techniques

I encountered the Group as a result of a personal investigation into a very strange series of deaths and bizarre behavior changes I observed among my acquaintances in a chemical factory that produced raw materials for plastics manufacture. All I knew at the start was that about 50 [now 100] employees had died of leukemia, aplastic anemia, various forms of cancer, and other illnesses that fit with only two possible causes: long-term exposure to benzene or to low-level radiation. […] Read More

Covert War

Chapter 9 – The Origins of the Group

The precursor of the subversive group seems to have been formed in the first quarter of the century, we think in connection with the formation of the Federal Reserve. At first, it appears to have been little more than a group of the world’s leading investment and merchant bankers seeking world-wide control of money supply. But by about 1932 it developed into a scheme for a New World Order, in which there would be total control of human behavior […] Read More

Chapter 6 – How the United States lost WWII

RFA37 “America didn’t win the war. Adolph Hitler won world war II.” — Guatemalan president Jose Arevalo, after being replaced by dictator Jocabo Arbenz in 1951 The following is a synopsis of an extensive investigative series by David Emory revealing a working hypothesis that during the Cold War, German fascism and the Third Reich did not disappear as is commonly believed but rather survived underground and achieved a very real political and economic victory over the Allies. In the […] Read More


Chapter 5 – David Emory’s Talk Radio (On Nazis)

The following are some of the subjects that radio personality David Emory has covered on his talk-radio broadcasts in California:– The pivotal role that Nazi and fascist elements played in the assassination of President Kennedy… evidence that American and German “Neo-Nazis“, the Gehlen spy organization and Nazi rocket specialists working under Werner Von Braun figured prominently in the killing. — The support American industrialists and financiers gave to Hitler’s Germany and how this affected the allied military policy during […] Read More

Chapter 4 – NAZI History

Following is a chronology based on research by Val Valerian of LEADING EDGE RESEARCH, regarding the secret ‘Nazi‘ history pre and post World War II. In each code the first two numbers denote the year, the middle two the month, and the last two numbers the day of the month: 140000 – Adolph Hitler’s dreams‘ of Germany’s greatness in the world. 240000 – American [Bavarian Illuminati backed] bankers form I.G. Farben chemical cartel in Germany. 280000 – T. Townsend […] Read More


Chapter 3 – NAZI Bases in Antarctica

We will now examine the various claims of Nazi bases in Antarctica, which as we have said, may very well have been the point-of-origin of the ‘Nazi-Grey‘ craft that Barney and Betty Hill encountered during their abduction experience. The historical facts are evident. Beginning in 1838, long before the end of the Second World War, the Nazi’s commenced to send out numerous exploratory missions to the Queen Maud region of Antarctica. A steady stream of expeditions were reportedly sent […] Read More