THE BEGINNING “…Another figure has an EVIL face… ‘HE LOOKS LIKE A GERMAN NAZI. HE’S A NAZI… HIS EYES! HIS EYES. I’VE NEVER SEEN EYES LIKE THAT BEFORE!!!” The above quote was made under regressive hypnosis by one of the first publicized ‘UFO abductees’, Barney Hill who — along with his wife Betty — claimed to have been abducted by grey-skinned entities from a spacecraft which apparently originated from the Zeta II Reticuli star system. The Grey alien abductors […] Read More
Tag: Nazi
“Those conspiracies that are too incredible to be believed, are by the same right those which most often succeed.” The following article comes from the ‘TC TECHNICAL CONSULTANT’, Nov.-Dec., 1991 issue: “The death of a journalist in West Virginia, plus the jailing of an alleged CIA computer consultant in Washington State may be elements of a much wider scandal that could have serious implications… “What started out as an investigation of an apparent case of pirated software has grown […] Read More