Third Reich Maps of the Inner Earth

We’ve all heard tales of Nazis exploring the southern extremities of the globe and even setting up bases in Neuschwabenland. Some have also heard of Operation Highjump and Admiral Byrd’s altercation with entrenched German forces that overpowered them with amazing flying craft. from A video (below) has recently surfaced which shows a 1944 map from the Third Reich detailing not only the direct passageway used by German U-boats to access this subterranean domain, but also a complete map of both hemispheres […] Read More

Hollow earth… Stuff they don’t want you to know!!!

As World War II raged across Europe and the Pacific, the conflict reached every continent on the planet, including Antarctica. Learn more about the little-known Nazi expeditions to Antarctica — and what they hoped to find there — Hollow Earth? — in this episode of Stuff They Don’t Want You to Know. Related articles Jim Vieira and the Giants Intuition Connecting the Dots of the Paranormal: Little Green Men and Little People The Miracle Of Right Thought 1989: UFO […] Read More

Project Superman 11a

All of a sudden 5 or 6 guys leap on the both of us and they pry his neck from my hand. The man with the white hair immediately jumps in and tells me to stand up and not to f*cking move. They start arguing again, all of a sudden one of the men with the white-haired man from the original group from the back yells “HOLD IT” and he walks over, picks up my shirt, takes the pin […] Read More

1996: Gray Bases

——— Forwarded message ———-   Date: Wed, 19 Jun 96 13:29:39 -0600 From: library patron Subject: Gray Bases   Dear ORL: I just thought I’d share some information on a major underground base in Utah that I’ve been investigating. As you may realize, the Grays would not have attained the influence that they have in our world had not certain high-level ‘elite’ chosen to sell-out our planet for short-term personal gain. The collaboration began back in Nazi Germany, where […] Read More


THE SECRETS OF THE MOJAVE (Or, The Conspiracy Against Reality) Page # 9a [7th edition] Compiled by ‘The Group’ — Edited by ‘Branton’ Re-Edited 02,02,2020 for grammar and spelling – ‘Think’ George Adamski, the 1950’s “contactee” and alleged Rosicrucian, was one of several who claimed to have had contacted Aryan-like saucer pilots during that time period. One little known fact about his contact in the Mojave desert was that one of the ‘footprints‘ left by the ‘man‘ he encountered […] Read More

Chapter 39 – Prologue

Although this file has dealt mainly with Nazism, we should not forget the evils perpetrated by so-called ‘communism‘ in Russia, China, Southeast Asia and elsewhere. Many sources agree that during the course of the ‘Cold War’, Communism was responsible for over 200 million human deaths. Nazism was directly or indirectly responsible for the over 50 million deaths resulting from World War II, and an unknown number of deaths in third world countries as a result of underground covert warfare […] Read More

Chapter 26 – Sam Russell’s ‘Open Mind Forum’ program

More information on the Nazi Antarctic efforts and their attempts to impose a global dictatorship comes from Bulgarian physicist Vladimir Terziski. The following interview between Talk Show host Sam Russell and Terziski took place between 8-10 P.M., June 5th, 1993 on Sam Russell’s ‘OPEN MIND FORUM‘ program, KTKK [K-TALK] Radio in Salt Lake City, Utah. We will quote only those portions of the extensive conversation which tie-in directly with the subject at hand (Note: Some of the spellings of […] Read More

Chapter 25 – Germans Economic MIRACLE

For more information on how the “economic miracle” was accomplished after the war by the Germans, you can read such books as “Martin Bormann, Nazi in Exile” by Paul Manning. [ “…Bormann became the guiding force in the ‘economic miracle’ that led to the rebirth of the German industry and finance in the thirty-five years following the political and military defeat. In the waning months of World War II, as the Third Reich was tottering and finally crumbling in […] Read More

Map of the Falkland Island

Chapter 24 – The Falkland Islands War

The Falkland Islands War had more to do with NAZI‘S [Antarctica] than with Argentina… The Germans, FROM THEIR ANTARCTIC BASE, began to INFILTRATE into Argentina, Chile, etc., and bought large tracts of land and swept up corporations. They also invested in corporations in Germany and elsewhere, with plans to make a comeback. They used the German treasury, captured treasure from other nations, and counterfeit American currency printed on real U.S. currency printing plates given to the Russians and captured […] Read More


Chapter 19 – Polar Defenses

One thing that Admiral Byrd stated in a press conference after his defeat at Antarctica was that the Antarctic continent should be surrounded by a “wall of defense installations since it represented the last line of defense for America.” Although the U.S. and Russia had been allies during the war, suddenly the “Iron Curtain” was created and we and the Russians became ‘enemies’. (Note: Some say that the animosity of the Cold War directly following WWII was only an […] Read More