THE SECRETS OF THE MOJAVE (Or, The Conspiracy Against Reality) — Page #1a [7th edition] Compiled by ‘The Group’ — Edited by ‘Branton’ Re-Edited 02,02,2020 for grammar and spelling – ‘Think’ ————————————————————- “AND I WILL SHOW WONDERS IN THE HEAVEN ABOVE… “AND SIGNS IN THE EARTH BENEATH… “BLOOD, AND FIRE, AND VAPOUR OF SMOKE…” — Acts 2:19 — ————————————————————- The author of the following story is a Navaho Indian. He revealed this tribal secret which he learned from the […] Read More

No Guns Allowed

Chapter 27 – Civil War is about to begin

ATTENTION: CIVIL WAR IS ABOUT TO BEGIN IN THE UNITED STATES! YOU AND YOUR LOVED ONES ARE IN ACUTE DANGER! RACE RIOTS AND SLAUGHTER OF AMERICANS WILL BE THE FIRST SIGN! THIS IS NO JOKE! On July 4, 1992, at a UFO convention in Arcadia, CA, Mr. Michael Younger, a member of the super-secret COM-12 group and a scientist who worked at Groom Lake, Area 51 in Nevada, stunned the audience of over 200 people with the following incredible […] Read More

The Dulce Papers – Chapter 16a – 1992: DULCE NEW MEXICO & THE ASHTAR CONNECTION

(The following is an edited version of a very extensive file downloaded from the Internet. Some of the highlights/emphasis are mine. – Branton) From: Michael.Corbin@p0.f428.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Michael Corbin) Newsgroups: alt.alien.visitors Subject: Dulce Report Message-ID: Date: 5 Jul 92 03:20:06 GMT Sender: ufgate@paranet.FIDONET.ORG (newsout1.26) Organization: FidoNet node 1:104/428.0 – Lines: 127 * Forwarded from “ParaNet UFO Echo” * Originally from Michael Corbin * Originally dated 07-04-92 20:17 The following was uploaded by a user on ParaNet. It is being provided in […] Read More