1978: UNDER ANTARCTICA – Fact Or Fiction?

George Wilfehrt, 8-78 (*Note all names have been changed I hadn’t seen by nephew John in years. (His true identity has been changed to protect him from possible persecution by the authorities.) Through the family grapevine, I learned he had gotten a doctorate in geology and had joined the navy. I was surprised when he called the office not long ago to invite me out to lunch. He sounded nervous over the phone and refused to talk about his recent history until we were alone. I […] Read More

Third Reich Maps of the Inner Earth

We’ve all heard tales of Nazis exploring the southern extremities of the globe and even setting up bases in Neuschwabenland. Some have also heard of Operation Highjump and Admiral Byrd’s altercation with entrenched German forces that overpowered them with amazing flying craft. from http://www.hi-story.de/ A video (below) has recently surfaced which shows a 1944 map from the Third Reich detailing not only the direct passageway used by German U-boats to access this subterranean domain, but also a complete map of both hemispheres […] Read More

Antarctica’s Underground

Antarctica’s Underground [google_map_easy id=”99″] Location: Mt. Levick Antarctica: Admiralty Mountains – On top of the Ice Functions: Weather regulator after orders from Spaceship  Human experiments to make bodies tough. Radio interference, and checking communications of Southern Hemisphere. Levels: Unknown Tunnels to: Unknown Notes: Highly sophisticated Atomic Reactor. Unconventional Atomic weapons for an attack on other planets. Earth is their Base for warfare against inhabited planets in this area of the Milky Way. Source: Location: Neuschwabenland, Queen Maud Land Antarctica […] Read More

The German grasping at the Antarctic

Part I: The Facts The history of German Antarctic research started at 1873 when Sir Edward Dolman on behalf of the newly founded German Society of Polar Research discovered new Antarctic routes with his ship “GRÖNLAND”. Dolman discovered the “Kaiser-Wilhelm-Inseln” at the western entrance of the Bismarck along the Biscoue Islands. Exploring the polar regions, the Germans were already at this time quite innovative, for the “GRÖNLAND” was the first steamship to see the Antarctic ice at all. Within […] Read More

Project Redbook: A

PROJECT REDBOOK: A “Have respect unto the covenant: for the dark places of the earth are full of the habitations of cruelty.” PSALMS 74:20 ANTARCTICA – An ancient hi-tech “city” nicknamed “Rainbow City” was reportedly discovered by a small group of American researchers in the late 1940s. Reportedly an on-site staff of 2000 was later stationed there to study the ancient mechanical devices, the operation of time-space portals, holographic records, and an ancient underground ‘rail‘ system with Rainbow City […] Read More

Chapter 20 – Rudolph Hess & The Secert German Space Base

Rudolph Hess, Hitler’s best friend and second in command, went to England to try to stop the war with Britain and was arrested as a “war criminal” on May 10, 1941, and was kept from having any contact with the public until he was recently murdered. He was the only prisoner in Spandau prison. Ones who paid any attention to his situation at all have wondered what was the big secret he knew that made him so dangerous to […] Read More


Chapter 3 – NAZI Bases in Antarctica

We will now examine the various claims of Nazi bases in Antarctica, which as we have said, may very well have been the point-of-origin of the ‘Nazi-Grey‘ craft that Barney and Betty Hill encountered during their abduction experience. The historical facts are evident. Beginning in 1838, long before the end of the Second World War, the Nazi’s commenced to send out numerous exploratory missions to the Queen Maud region of Antarctica. A steady stream of expeditions were reportedly sent […] Read More