UFO Up Date: Info? On ‘Branton’

Dear ; I am an abductee who has experienced suppressed encounters with grays and humans throughout an underground system that spans the western base of the Wasatch-Rocky mountains in Utah. I’ve had “altered state” contacts with the humans who live within the underground system, those who I refer to as the “Melchizedeks“. These are members of a metaphysical lodge with connections to the deep initiatory levels of Mormonism, Masonry, the Mt. Shasta/Agharti network, Mayans, Sirius, Arcturus, Saturn, etc. They […] Read More


by Branton Since the age of 12, 1 have had an intense interest in the subject of UFOlogy, which was sparked after reading Frank Edwards’ book FLYING SAUCERS, SERIOUS BUSINESS. This led to an interest in the investigation of subsurface anomalies, followed by a still later fascination with conspiracy research (all- together, they represent the study of that which is Above, Below and Within). I will refrain from explaining how I came to the following conclusions, as it would […] Read More


The following are highlights paraphrased from Michael Ash’s MONTAUK SURVIVORS tape series: –Mach-12 Maglev trains connect all Montauk sister bases around North America –There were experiments at Montauk involving the duplication of an animal or object by recording its electromagnetic signature and rebroadcasting it via the sage radar so that the duplicate is materialized from the aether. Other non-duplicated thought forms were also produced by Duncan Cameron, for instance, like the ‘beast‘ known as ‘junior‘, a thought form being […] Read More

The Underground Empire 4

 We continue now with the interview with ‘Sharula’:   “INSIGHTS: Earlier, you mentioned… you had to petition the Aghartha, the ones in charge of the inner earth cities. Are there other cities in existence?”   “SHARULA: Oh, yes. There are many. There are over one hundred inner earth cities. Some of them are very similar…”   “INSIGHTS: How does one travel from city to city or from surface to inner city?”   “SHARULA: Probably the most common method is […] Read More


Researcher William F. Hamilton was one of the first to write about the Mt. Shasta subterranean colony of TELOS, an underground city that is said to be the western branch of a subterranean kingdom that certain Asian fraternities refer to as the ‘Agharti‘ network. Mr. Hamilton had personally met with the reputed “crown princess” of Telos, Sharula — as well as with some of her immediate relatives in the mid-1980s, during his investigations into underground base activity in North […] Read More

The Dulce Papers – Chapter 7a – A DULCE VANGUARD AT DEEP SPRINGS?

It has been fairly well established that the Dulce, New Mexico network is the largest and most significant alien [Reptiloid/Gray] base network in North America. However, according to one source, there is also another ‘nest‘ near Deep Springs, California. This [Dulce-connected?] base — because of its proximity — may pose an even greater threat to the humanoid residents of the ‘subterranean network‘ who have major city-complexes below California: Mt. Shasta, Panamint Mountains, 29 Palms area, etc.   These colonies […] Read More