Australia’s Underground

Australia’s Underground [google_map_easy id=”21″] Location: Mt. Ziel Australia Functions: Unknown Levels: Unknown Tunnels to: Unknown Notes:  underground facility in Australia’s Northern Territory According to my NSA contact ‘X3’ the Mt Ziel underground facility is the twin facility to the Pine Gap base in Northern Australia. The following is part of an EYES ONLY document that was given to me by X3 regarding Pine Gap. The Mt Zeil underground base is an Annunaki stronghold. The Annunaki (who may be from the Sirius […] Read More

1998: The Dulce, New Mexico base.

The most notorious of all military bases. But, it should be labelled as a Military Black Operations base. This base is staffed by both military and alien beings. Hard to imagine, that aliens work hand in hand in this base with military human beings. Such are the reports that have come out by ex-military personal that worked in Dulce. The alleged reports are very numerous. To numerous to deny the reality of this so called chamber of horrors. I […] Read More

The Dulce Papers – Chapter 33 – 1995: PHIL SCHNEIDER VS. THE NEW WORLD ORDER

[The following article was downloaded from the INTERNET…] Underground Bases: A Lecture by Phil Schneider: May 1995 ===================================== Phil Schneider, a very brave man, recently lost his life due to what appeared to be a military-style execution in January 1996. He was found dead in his apartment with piano wire still wrapped around his neck. According to some sources, he had been brutally tortured repeatedly before being killed. Phil Schneider was an ex-government engineer who was involved in building […] Read More


In the Spring of 1990 researcher ‘Jason Bishop‘ sent copies of the following report to a select few investigators, and later gave permission for the report to be distributed among a wider readership. Is the object described within the report the product of secret technology being developed by the Military-Industrial Complex as part of some covert or deep-cover space project? Or does it involve something a bit more ‘alien‘ than mere top-secret black-project research and top-of-the-line vanguard aircraft designs […] Read More