1908: The Smoky GOD

THE SMOKY GOD Or A Voyage to the Inner World By WILLIS GEORGE EMERSON With Illustrations by JOHN A. WILLIAMS CHICAGO FORBES & COMPANY 1908 Copyright, 1908. By WILLIS GEORGE EMERSON CONTENTS Dedication Part I. Author’s Foreword Part II. Olaf Jansen’s Story Part III. Beyond The North Wind Part IV. In the Under World Part V. Among the Ice Packs Part VI. Conclusion Part VII. Author’s Afterword ILLUSTRATIONS “I was left alone with the dead.” “Twenty-eight years — long, […] Read More

Inner Earth Schematic

Heaven is an inner, central, and solar location, whereas Paradise and Hell are outer, earthly, or planetary locations. A good example of this is the common wheel; the hub or center represents Heaven whereas the rim represents Earth, of which Paradise and Hell are part. The spokes of the wheel represent the interconnecting roads or gateways between the two. The horoscope chart is another example with its center, spokes and rim, as is Plato’s landscape description of the legendary […] Read More