The Underground Empire 3

There have even been other accounts suggesting that there is a “base” near Mt. Lassen consisting of “joint” human-sauroid activity, or humans under the control of the serpent race and thus serving their cause. The following account which we will describe shortly was released by Val Valerian in June of 1992, and appeared in ‘LEADING EDGE’ magazine. The account describes human-sized reptilians (who might, with some alterations, be able to pass themselves off as humans?) or reptoids that are […] Read More

Remote Viewing the Grey Collective

by Branton I recently came across an interesting volume titled COSMIC VOYAGE, by Mr. Courtney M. Brown, Ph.D. This work deals with the authors’ personal experiments with remote viewing, along with his trainer, a former remote viewer for the U.S. Military who taught him the secret military RV techniques. From my own perspective, remote viewing operates through the subspace body of a human being who is able to tap into the universal psionic field. Since the psionic field is […] Read More