1972: L.A. to N.Y. in Half an Hour? 10,000 – M.P.H. Tunnel Train Plan Developed

If you doubt the possibility that the U.S. government “Black” projects engineers have he ability to secretly construct an underground tube-shuttle system, think again. Here is a quoted article that appeared in the Los Angeles Times newspaper on June 11, 1972. It is an interview with the lead physicist at the RAND corporation “think tank” about how economical, technologically achievable and environmentally friendly such a Very High Speed Transit (VHST) network would be if work on it were begun. […] Read More

Chapter 22 – The Rand Corporation

In January 1946 industrialist Donald Douglas approached the Army Air Force with a plan for government and industry to work together on long-range strategic planning. This was called Project RAND, a name coined by Arthur Raymond from Research ANd Development. Much of their first government money went to the von Braun team.[McDougall, Walter al. …” the Heavens and the Earth, A Political History of the Space Age,” Basic Books, New York, 1985, p. 89.]… (Note: RAND Corp. was also […] Read More