Chapter 22 – The Rand Corporation

In January 1946 industrialist Donald Douglas approached the Army Air Force with a plan for government and industry to work together on long-range strategic planning. This was called Project RAND, a name coined by Arthur Raymond from Research ANd Development. Much of their first government money went to the von Braun team.[McDougall, Walter al. …” the Heavens and the Earth, A Political History of the Space Age,” Basic Books, New York, 1985, p. 89.]… (Note: RAND Corp. was also […] Read More

German U-Boat

Chapter 21 – German Submarines in the South Atlantic

The newspaper “France Soir” had the following account: “Almost 1-1/2 years AFTER cessation of hostilities in Europe, the Islandic [Icelandic?] Whaler, ‘Juliana‘ was stopped by a large German U-boat. The Juliana was in the ANTARCTIC region around Malvinas [now Falkland] Islands when a German submarine surfaced and raised the German official naval Flag of Mourning — red with a black edge. The submarine commander sent out a boarding party, which approached the Juliana in a rubber dinghy and having […] Read More


The following is a list of questions that were directed to former Dulce Base Security officer Thomas Edwin Castello approximately a year before his death [or disappearance]. They are followed by his responses:  QUESTION  – When exactly was the [upper human-occupied level of the] Archuleta installation constructed?  ANSWER  – I heard Dulce was started in 1937-38 by the Army engineers, enlarged over the years, most recent work was completed 1965-66 to connect tunnels to the Page [Arizona] Base, site […] Read More