Pennsylvania’s Underground

Pennsylvania’s Underground [google_map_easy id=”85″] Location:  50 miles south of Pittsburgh Pennsylvania Functions: Unknown Levels: Unknown Tunnels to: Unknown Notes:  About 50 miles south of Pittsburgh in the first range of the Allegheny mountains, George A. Lehew reportedly found a cavern which he penetrated for over a mile, the passages becoming increasingly wider. He descended at about a 45-degree angle until reaching a room in which he found a 6-ft.-wide thermal bore, a perfectly circular shaft with smooth glazed walls that had apparently been […] Read More

Underground Facilities

Excerpt from ALIEN MAGIC by William H. Hamilton III)   One of the earliest American underground facilities was built at Raven Rock in Pennsylvania. The military refer to it as “Site R.” Sounds like “Section D.” Raven Rock was picked because it is made of greenstone, a type of granite that is the fourth hardest rock on earth. Construction started in 1950, and engineers had completed a series of tunnels and a three-story building by 1953. Two more three-story […] Read More