Chapter 7 – My 10 year investigation of the group that has no name

The following to me is reminiscent of the theme of the movie “THE ODESSA FILE“, starring John Voight and set in 1963 West Germany: Newsgroups: alt.conspiracy.jfk,alt.mindcontrol From: an166618@anon.penet.fiDate: Sun, 11 Dec 1994 23:52:22 UTCSubject: JFK hit a small part of the conspiracy INTRODUCTION: The JFK assassination involved a much bigger conspiracy than Cuba or the Mob or the CIA or all 3 put together. It was planned, run and covered up by an international Group that has no name. […] Read More

Chapter 6 – How the United States lost WWII

RFA37 “America didn’t win the war. Adolph Hitler won world war II.” — Guatemalan president Jose Arevalo, after being replaced by dictator Jocabo Arbenz in 1951 The following is a synopsis of an extensive investigative series by David Emory revealing a working hypothesis that during the Cold War, German fascism and the Third Reich did not disappear as is commonly believed but rather survived underground and achieved a very real political and economic victory over the Allies. In the […] Read More


Chapter 5 – David Emory’s Talk Radio (On Nazis)

The following are some of the subjects that radio personality David Emory has covered on his talk-radio broadcasts in California:– The pivotal role that Nazi and fascist elements played in the assassination of President Kennedy… evidence that American and German “Neo-Nazis“, the Gehlen spy organization and Nazi rocket specialists working under Werner Von Braun figured prominently in the killing. — The support American industrialists and financiers gave to Hitler’s Germany and how this affected the allied military policy during […] Read More