by Branton Since the age of 12, 1 have had an intense interest in the subject of UFOlogy, which was sparked after reading Frank Edwards’ book FLYING SAUCERS, SERIOUS BUSINESS. This led to an interest in the investigation of subsurface anomalies, followed by a still later fascination with conspiracy research (all- together, they represent the study of that which is Above, Below and Within). I will refrain from explaining how I came to the following conclusions, as it would […] Read More

Alaska’s Underground

Alaska’s Underground [google_map_easy id=”48″] Location: Ambler Alaska (Schwatka Mtns.) Functions: Unknown Levels: Unknown Tunnels to: Unknown Notes:   Source:   Location: Brooks Range Alaska Functions: Genetic Works and To Eradicate the Resistance of People on this Planet. Levels: Unknown Tunnels to: Antarctic Base? Notes:  ET’s 30 – Hybrids 55 – Homo Sapiens as captured as scientists – They always need us to gather information as well as to bring supplies. In this area, big Spaceships can land totally undetected. 27 ships for cargo distribution. […] Read More

2005: Dulce Report By Rob Solàrion

Copyright 2005, All Rights Reserved Archuleta Mesa For many people the name “Dulce” is instantly recognizable. If you google for < dulce+ufo >, you’ll bring up 247,000 possible webpages. Pictured above, to the right of the light poles, is the nefarious Archuleta Mesa, where the reptilian aliens from Outer Space supposedly have an underground base of at least seven levels, the lowermost of which extend out under the sleepy, little Apache Indian village of Dulce itself. All sorts of […] Read More

The Dulce Papers – Chapter 14 – RAGING BATTLES BENEATH THE EARTH

The following is an excerpt from an article that appeared in a UFO-related publication. We do not know exactly who the author of the article is or what publication it appeared in, as our source sent us only some Xeroxes with no references. We relate the information as received: “…Lear directed my attention to a large map of Nevada, which delineates all the areas in which civilian maps coyly leave as uncharted military reserves. ‘Right in the very center […] Read More


The following is taken from an article by TAL LeVesque, titled ‘THE COVERT RETURN OF AN ALIEN SPECIES OF REPTILIAN HERITAGE — THE DULCE BASE,’ which appeared in a mailer-newsletter distributed by researcher Patrick O’Connell: According to TAL, ages ago “…a CONFLICT with other beings, ELs [human giants] destroyed most of the Reptoid civilization, which forced some into deep caverns & others to leave earth — to Alpha Draconis and/or Altair in the constellation Aquila, which in ancient lore […] Read More