The following account appeared on page 52 of the Nov. 1954 issue of FATE magazine. “In March, 1954, a French Jesuit priest in Sorata, Bolivia, told a strange story of an exploring trip he had made in the cavern of San Pedro on 20,000 foot Mount Illampu of the Andes chain. “The cavern must be entered on all fours through a narrow passage which widens after a few yards and leads into an immense cavern filled with stalagmites and stalactites. At one end of the cavern […] Read More


Pages 78-80 of Tim Beckley’s book, “THE SHAVER MYSTERY AND THE INNER EARTH”, also contains the following unusual story of an underground land beneath Oklahoma: “One of these ‘hills’ or ‘mounds’ have – according to yellowed newspaper clippings – been located near Binger, Oklahoma, by a newspaper reporter whose story was recently uncovered by Mrs. Cosette Willoughby of San Jose, California. She has spent a great deal of time investigating odd phenomena dealing with the Shaver Mystery. Unfortunately she […] Read More

1963: PRYING INTO THE UNKNOWN: Bishop, California

An article titled “PRYING INTO THE UNKNOWN”, which appeared in the April, 1963 issue of SEARCH magazine, contains an interesting account of a couple from California. The article was a monthly one written by Will Carson and Jeannie Joy. The following appears on page 22 of that issue:    “It has always been a mystery to us in the first place how Mr. and Mrs. P.E. can find and afford the time to do the sort of things most […] Read More

1944: Underground Creatures eat 15 Humans Alive!

By Stoney Brakefield “Humanoid subterranean creatures ate 15 miners alive and almost killed two rescuers, claims a mining inspector’s report SUPPRESSED for more than 3O years. “Inspector Glenn E. Barger filed his startling find with superiors in 1944, but details haven’t been released until now. “Immediately after returning from the disaster near Dixonville, Pa., (50 miles northeast of Pittsburgh) Barger announced his retirement, refusing to set foot again underground, fearing he would face the mysterious creature again.  “He died […] Read More

1947: AMAZING STORIES: Big Bend Area Underground

This next letter appeared on pages 171-172 of the October, 1947 issue of AMAZING STORIES:    “Sirs:  Norman Finley, a neighbor of a good friend of mine, told me about an experience he had which was rather unusual. He and a couple of other fellows were hunting down in the Big Bend country. I don’t know whether you are familiar with the Big Bend or not, but there is no more wild or desolate area in the country. Rugged, […] Read More

1948: AMAZING STORIES: Burley, Idaho Underground Revisited

The next letter appeared later on pages 164-165 of the January, 1948 issue of AMAZING STORIES:    Sirs: If you file your correspondence, you will find a letter there from this writer which was written in the early part of this year, advising you of reading my first AMAZING STORIES magazine and of my interest in the mystery of the caves, especially the articles by Mr. Shaver. I haven’t missed a copy of A. S. since then and interest […] Read More

1947: AMAZING STORIES: Burley, Idaho Underground

The following letter appeared on pages 174-175 of the October, 1947 issue of AMAZING STORIES:    “Sirs:  Perhaps I have delayed over-long to send you my slight contribution to the master code. Why? I was still afraid there might be some slip that would put me in a bad spot. I am a druggist in this town and any trace of nut’s talk would ruin my job. I have been waiting for the issue which just hit the newsstand […] Read More

A Guide to the Inner Earth: P

**** P ****   Paget, Walburga L. – COLLOQUIES WITH AN UNSEEN FRIEND., William Rider & Son., London., 1909., p. 36: Buried Cities beneath the ‘Great Desert‘ where descendants of Atlantis allegedly live to this day, along with prehistoric flora & fauna, a land which will be discovered by surface dwellers in the 21st century according to prophecy, when the “airships and Rontgen rays are made practically useful for exploration purposes.”   Painter, Roger – THE BROWN MOUNTAIN LIGHTS., […] Read More

A Guide to the Inner Earth: M

**** M ****   Macculloch, John A. – CELTIC MYTHOLOGY., pp. 125-126: The cave of “Cruachan” – also known as “Ireland’s gate to Hell”; a legendary and ancient cave from which – according to legend – strange creatures would emerge in ancient times, causing havoc on the surface.   Macklin, John – STRANGE DESTINIES., Ace Books., NY.: The story of the “green-skinned children” who emerged from a cavern, speaking an unknown language. (Also see: Drake, W.B.)   McClellan, Alec […] Read More

Ancient and Hollow Astronauts

The world has always had its secret places. As mankind spread out from its ancient home on the plains of Africa, there was always something wonderful — or fearful — over the next hill, the next mountain, or across the sea. By the nineteenth century, the outlines of all the continents were known, and the interiors were steadily being explored. But as the Earth became more and more known, the desire for secret places did not lessen. Speculations about […] Read More