Remote Viewing the Grey Collective

by Branton I recently came across an interesting volume titled COSMIC VOYAGE, by Mr. Courtney M. Brown, Ph.D. This work deals with the authors’ personal experiments with remote viewing, along with his trainer, a former remote viewer for the U.S. Military who taught him the secret military RV techniques. From my own perspective, remote viewing operates through the subspace body of a human being who is able to tap into the universal psionic field. Since the psionic field is […] Read More

The Hollow Earth – Heaven or Hell?

Our common conception is that Heaven is out there somewhere in the sky or in space, while Hell is underneath us, deep underground or at the planet’s center. This would be accurate if the planet had a wholly solid interior, but it does not. Our planet is a hollow shell and at its center is a luminous sun or anomaly. It is engineered wisely and economically so that both the outer convex surface and the inner concave surface can […] Read More

The Underground Empire 2

Some years ago a woman by the name of Joan Howard, at the time living in eastern Canada although originally from Britain, wrote a manuscript in which she described her own paranormal experiences with small “alien” entities. Joan had experienced several UFO-type ‘abduction-encounters’ while at a very young age when she still lived in Britain, and claimed to have had ‘psychic’ contact with beings that claimed to be of extraterrestrial origin. These experiences were accompanied by a great deal […] Read More